Reviews for The Divide (formerly: The Peacekeepers)
Collaborative Lady chapter 14 . 6/20
What an incredibly brilliant story. Part of what makes Skip Beat so alluring is the problem solving in the portrayal of emotion or to promote an action. I love this deep character discussion and evolution and reveal. What is apparent to one actor is not apparent to another. This is thrilling.
Rainy-Round chapter 15 . 6/9
This is dang... Good!
Please keep going with this _
The PrinceLady chapter 15 . 4/24
Skip beat is really hard to write fanfiction of, I feel like kyoko's eccentric quirks often gets downplayed, and she turns into a stereotypical romantic heroine-character. I guess she's a bit like Kaya, she has so many sides people tend to stick with what they're comfortable with. You on the other hand, do such a good job, you're one of the VERY few fics that I feel do her justice. I enjoy your writing so much, and hope to see more. I also really like Mary and Mundy, and I almost never like OC:s !
Tsukiyomi Sora chapter 15 . 3/30
Since I started reading your story (two days ago) I've wanted to write a comment, so now that I've finished all the chapters, I'm going to do it, sorry for the grammar, I'm using the google translator ...
1. I love each of your characters, from the originals to the manga are wonderful ... it's amazing how you created these characters.
2. the story of the series is amazing, I love how you develop those characters for the actors
3. few writers can unravel the mind of a genius, an artistic genius is even more difficult, you have been able to do it.
4. the narrative of your story is beautiful.
5. Please, please, please, let Ren be the one who plays Aki in the end, I think he is the perfect actor to bring that character to life ...
I really want you to update as quickly as possible, your story is wonderful and I would like to read more, but I know that it is better that you do it when you can and have the inspiration for it without neglecting your health or personal life, I just ask you not to abandon or if you do leave a note from the author explaining that you are going to leave so you do not leave us in suspense. Finally I hope that you are careful the virus, I hope that you and your family are well and protected
H-Nala chapter 15 . 1/2
Good to see a bit of where Ren is at Kyoko has been very intense.
H-Nala chapter 8 . 1/2
If it is not Ren or Actor X, I'm going to be annoyed by the mis-leading foreshadowing.
Nony chapter 15 . 7/13/2019
So glad to see an update for this! Was and still am enthralled with your story. I love how Kyoko ensnares everyone while she is still trying to figure out things herself!
Guest chapter 15 . 7/4/2019
Wow this is just amazing work! Please continue updating please please! You should definitely continue your awesome work cause it’s the best XD
Love your reader
rumly111 chapter 15 . 6/21/2019
At the beginning of the story there were many jokes and funny moments, so it stood out among the rest. But in the last few chapters I couldn't even chuckle, because I was distracted by too much drama and overly complicated romance. IMO keep the romantic plot line light hearted and the story could remain a light reading.
MWEH chapter 15 . 6/12/2019
Sorry to hear things been rough... Hope they're better now!
It's been a very long time since I've last read (I'm not sure I haven't missed a chapter ord something) but I could still follow. Looking forward to the next chapter, whenever that may be :)
brennakai chapter 15 . 6/11/2019
I am enjoying this side of Murasame... Yet, at the same time kinda wonder if Ren might be a last min addition because of Reino... possibly a mention from Ogata to him... in a unplanned or planned meeting... It 'aki' really is a character close to how 'Ren' was built in a way... both very broken by the cruelty of humanity... becoming guardedcalculating until a very gutsy young girl cracks the hard shell...

I always like the idea if himHio playing the same complex character... showcasing the younger man's future position in the industry very directly...

I love both Edmund's they are genuinely likabletalented.
taking your a/n sometimes I think you really relate to Mary... just saying...
Guest chapter 15 . 6/7/2019
It's lovely how you have developed the characters in your story, I'm in love with them! I don't think your art has suffered in any way this time so, I say, relax and enjoy yourself :) I really can't think on anything to improve.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/7/2019
Loveeeed It! The attention to detail you put in your writing is totally worthy. Congrats!
Lostnights chapter 15 . 6/9/2019
Thank you so much for the update! I absolutely love this story!
Oktoberkatze chapter 15 . 6/5/2019
Just discovered this story and I love it! It gets better with every chapter and is really thrilling. Please continue it soon!
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