Reviews for With You, I Am Home
pesesita08 chapter 31 . 4/22
levi-nii-san chapter 55 . 6/12/2019
Oh man! That last chapter! I am wrecked, I absolutely adore your writing. I know it's been a year since you updated, and I'm not even sure if you'll read this hehe, but I really hope to see more of these two idiots from you. Especially set in more recent chapters cause it's got me all heated. Unfortunately I can't find a lot of fics set after Marley.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
Now if eren could have a little bit more of his titan form traits, basically look like more of his titan form and be more frisky with mikasa that would be cool to read
RIJS chapter 55 . 2/18/2019
These stories are wonderful.
I hope your new year has been positive.
Thank you for sharing these stories.
iceywiener chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
Had to follow!
Dorminchu chapter 55 . 8/3/2018
Damn, dude. This feels far too real. I like that Mikasa's almost afraid of Eren by this point; war and their prolonged separation has changed him irreperably.

But it's understandable, and it hurts all the more for it. Awesome work.
AngelSlayer1998 chapter 55 . 6/20/2018
That was so heart-wrenching :'(
Everytime I think about how far apart EMA are growing from eachother, it breaks my heart a little.
Keep up the awesome work!
Guest chapter 37 . 12/19/2017
damn that's deep.
Mickey chapter 54 . 8/8/2017
Ah! I was so excited to see you update and this is an absolutely lovely drabble 3 thank you for your wonderful eremika works :3
happymikasa chapter 54 . 8/9/2017
moonstar31548 chapter 54 . 8/9/2017
Dorminchu chapter 54 . 8/8/2017
Succinct. I really like this one. Glad to see you're back in action. :D
Dr.Archangel chapter 54 . 8/8/2017
Nice short piece. I'll be heading back to school as well so I know what your going through.
Vhosek chapter 53 . 7/10/2017
Haha! That was short and sweet alright and right to the point! I loved it! Thank you! XD
Guest chapter 53 . 7/7/2017
I AM SO GLAD YOU UPDATED AGAIN! This was ridiculously cute and I love the idea that Eren just has horrible taste in design. I'd love to see a continuation of this, or anything you feel like writing! I love all your Eremika stuff. There's so few good ones out there and you're one of the best ones!
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