Reviews for The Ideal Idea
FlameSparks7 chapter 1 . 11/23/2015
so thats how they got to Paradis Falls so quickly
avearia chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
Aaa, this is a wonderful little fic. I agree, I think Jack and Ellie would get along splendidly, at least in spirit. A little girl brimming with adventure and fun, just Jack's type of kid.


"Jack, not normally interested but watching from afar, was positively gleeful at the little fairy's exasperation when she arrived to see a complicated trigger system attached to the pillow."

This is approximately where you hooked me, just so you know. That was adorable.

Also, the last scene, good gosh, just fantastic. Of course Jack would be impressed with the flying house, and it's just so him to lend a hand in any little way he could. No wonder the house got so close so quickly.

I would've liked a little bit more with Russell, (does Jack know about the kid's parent situation, for instance?) but what's here is great, and I love all the little details you added in. I'm glad you wrote it, I wouldn't have even thought of this wonderful crossover. All in all, very cute little fic.