Reviews for A Match Made In Asgard
MultifandomLover chapter 17 . 6/20
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT LOVE IT. SOOOOOOOOO MUCH. Amazing work I love the story (as you can tell) this is surly one of my favorite Thorki stories.

(Hehe I love that name Thorki fun and sweet.)
MultifandomLover chapter 16 . 6/20
A-DOR-I-ABLE I'm loving this story more and more as I read it. ace is a very sweet and cute name love it.
MultifandomLover chapter 15 . 6/20
This story is just full of fluffyness and I LOVE it.
MultifandomLover chapter 14 . 6/20
MultifandomLover chapter 13 . 6/20
Oh man Jane is cruel I don't lik edge last thing she rolled Thor. Bad Jane.
MultifandomLover chapter 12 . 6/20
Yes Return to Asgard and save your one true love Loki. I'm so enthralled in this story. Yeah
MultifandomLover chapter 11 . 6/19
Damn Thor now your just avoiding the situation just man up and go with Did back to ashamed and comfort your Husband. And may I just say just like I said in May last review I said that Frigga was going to make thing right but not it's Did witch is better way better.
MultifandomLover chapter 10 . 6/19
Oh yeah Frigga go be super mother or should say Super Grandmother go make Thor fall for Loki or at least see his feelings for Loki. It's going to be adoriable when Thor and Loki make up not make out (although that would be nice) make up.
MultifandomLover chapter 9 . 6/19
Whhhhhhhhyyyyyy I know Thor would hurt Loki in some way but I didn't think it would be something so small and deep down in Thor's heart he does love Loki it's just the feelings haven't reveled them selves yet.
MultifandomLover chapter 8 . 6/19
Ok this story is very sweet and has a very likeable feeling to it. I'm very much enjoying this story.
MultifandomLover chapter 7 . 6/19
When will they actually fall in love it's the feelings from Loki going to pop in in the 10th Chapter "Jane" and Thor soon after? I wonder
MultifandomLover chapter 6 . 6/18
Aww how cute I can't to see how they fall for each other.
MultifandomLover chapter 5 . 6/18
I'm picturing the wedding so clearly in my mind I feel like I've seen it like it is a show I watched.
MultifandomLover chapter 4 . 6/18
Well no matter if Thor just wants to be friends he will fall for Loki weather he wants to or not because that's what is fan girls do we make the noncanon Fanon it's one of the rulers. Loving the story
MultifandomLover chapter 3 . 6/18
Eww first meeting is always a magical moment for any coupe in any fandom. This is going to be an adoriable story.
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