Reviews for This Time Around
Guest chapter 15 . 9/5
Omg imagine Percy just tying up like marching up to Olympus throwing him on the floor beating up ares I just be like there’s ur thief’s and just leave
Hermiony1 chapter 4 . 5/28
this is going to be amazing
jodanfritz10 chapter 15 . 2/15
so quick question.
If percy doesn't kill medusa how will he get rid of gabe?
Also how will sally move apartment's and go back to college to become a writer if she doesn't sell her "sculpture" of gabe.
the real narnia chapter 15 . 1/2
this is a really cool story! I'll admit to being confused on conflicting timelines and such, but it's a good start so far. im looking forward to the next chapter, and I can't wait to see what else happens on the quest. happy writing!
sparklehannah chapter 15 . 12/31/2019
I love this. Please keep it going.
Anonymously96 chapter 15 . 12/29/2019
Why was Percy so damaged by the hellhound? I mean he was hurt way worse in canon and water healed him in seconds
Also there seems to be some inconsistency while writing Annabeth
She's randomly changing her moods(not in this chapter but previous ones).
Some I can understand to throw off the campers but others didn't seem to serve a purpose
Also Annabeth again liking Luke? I mean the dude just gave her boyfriend the sneakers of Tartarus
Probably anger, or sadness that her one time crush and brother figure is doing so much crap
Update soon
TonTom chapter 15 . 12/29/2019
I am so glad I found this story
greyconverse chapter 14 . 12/28/2019
Please continue with this story! I'm really enjoying it
The Primordial of Causality chapter 14 . 6/18/2018
Finish it man
Fiction is the Truth chapter 3 . 9/1/2017
This is a awesome concept.
katraj0908 chapter 9 . 5/15/2016
did percy just toss the note on the ground when the olympians said not to and anyone could find it?
AnnaUnicorn chapter 14 . 9/27/2015
I have been looking for a story like this forever! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I read all 14 chapters in 45 minuets that's probably the fastest I've ever read. Please update soon! :D
Percabethforever chapter 14 . 7/26/2015
Really gud story...but hv u given up on it?
And its Silena not Selena...also its lieutenant thalia.
PS :my sis's b'day is on feb 8 and mine's on feb 10...
Bookworms75 chapter 14 . 5/20/2015
Great! I love this story! I hope you update it soon :)
annades49800 chapter 14 . 4/27/2015
OMGTHIS IS SO FUNNY AND FANTASTIC! Please updates soon I oove this whole idea and can't wait for your next update! I can't wait to see where u go with this. The only thing I'd recommend is making sure percy doesn't forget to build his relationship with Grover- because although I love the percabeth, it does seem a little suspicious. Please update soon I LOVE TIS STORY!
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