Reviews for Going Home
Guest chapter 12 . 1/10/2018
This is wonderful. If wish it really was a part of the manga
Hairy Friend chapter 12 . 10/17/2017
Thank you very much for a great story, it was a pure enjoyment to read. Omakes were fun too, but I am glad they didn't make part of the main story: I totally agree that Ren shoudn't check on Kyoko in Kyoto, and although it was exciting to read about a hickey from his perspective, maybe it is too much for the current setting (but great anyway!) So thanks again and all the best!
Hairy Friend chapter 7 . 10/17/2017
Obachan is a wise woman. Listen to her, Kyoko!
Hairy Friend chapter 6 . 10/17/2017
With how this family treats Kyoko, it's no wonder Sho didn't see her as anything but his maid :( So infuriating! But Cain-nii-san totally made up for it! :D I'm dying of curiosity - just what did he tell Sho?!
Hairy Friend chapter 5 . 10/17/2017
Oh, Kanae, I love you! How easily she got under Ren's skin - how naturally she extricated a confession of his feelings and intentions from him! She's really the best friend for Kyoko.
He-he, Ren's control is slipping :D Watch yourself in public, Tsuruga-san!
Hairy Friend chapter 4 . 10/17/2017
Good to see that Ren is thinking about his behavior. Yashiro watched Sho having discovered Kyoko's hickey and not commented on it? That level of self-control is incredible :D
Hairy Friend chapter 3 . 10/17/2017
Oh, the hickey comes into play :D Nicely handled, Kyoko!
Hairy Friend chapter 2 . 10/17/2017
I am proud of Kyoko's self-control. And of Kuon's too, for that matter. The whole 'Are you afraid of me' dialog is incredible - great work!
Hairy Friend chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
Kyoko's flustering is so adorable! And just what the heck Sho was doing with his manager while she's on the phone?!
A Musing Brunette chapter 8 . 8/6/2017
I can understand Sho needing comfort, but Kyoko did the right thing by not allowing him to just fall back into old patterns. When Sho aimed to crawl into the futon with Kyoko she recognized how wrong that was and got up, opting for providing comfort with tea and company instead.

There are different ways to provide comfort and just because it is needed it doesn't mean the other person is mandated to provide it in the way YOU want it. Sho shows just how much he still has to mature as he tries to force his feelings and a kiss on Kyoko- something he has no right to. He doesn't cease to be the same childish, spoiled, selfish person he grew up as. He treats others like objects and servants, as if it is his god given right to do as he pleases; As if the world revolves around him. He really has some hard lessons to learn and I await the day he starts learning those lessons in the manga.
A Musing Brunette chapter 7 . 8/6/2017
I don't recall ever leaving a review before, but this fic definitely deserves it. I always come back to it especially because of this chapter.

There is so much truth in what obachan says and it is a great reminder about forgiveness and how it is really a cancer to us. I agree that forgiveness is more for our benefit than the one being forgiven. There are enough stresses in life to hold on to such bitterness, it is such a burden. It really is a hard pill to swallow, but with practice it becomes a bit easier and it allows you more time to enjoy the little time we have on this earth. There are far too many better things to focus on than grudges that with time just don't hold worthwhile significance.

We need to think about it; Would you be happier focusing on enjoying life and giving attention to loved ones or getting that miserable feeling every time you remember the people that have wronged you and their transgressions?
ladygraywolf chapter 12 . 8/2/2016
You did and excellent job on this story. I think she will learn to forgive Sho eventually, as she falls further in love with Ren. She has grown quite a bit and that Obasan had alot to do with it. She seems to be the only one who truly understands what Kyoko is feeling.
ladygraywolf chapter 4 . 8/2/2016
His mother knows him well, even tho it had be two years since she had seen him. I guess he didn't change much and had definitely hadn't grown up any. Maybe thats why he acts the way he does. He doesn't want to admit it to himself. Kyoko has grown up and he hasn't.
Miss A.S.M chapter 12 . 10/30/2015
Really Nice :)

But it feels very incomplete...
Guest chapter 12 . 7/3/2015
Say just a thought only because I love this story so much how about a sequel because we all want to know what's next for the duel n it could be coming back (to him) know ren was anxious n so was she so all of the anxiety pinned up in side of the 2 of them it has to be an explosion upon seeing one another man it deserves one
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