Reviews for The Return of the Negaverse
Guest chapter 60 . 5/14/2019
Omg! I've been so busy with work and my 2 little boys that I haven't read this wonderful story lately... last chapter I read was chapter 55. I just finished reading it... very beautiful ending... love how all the sensei n generals are as people and everyone got a happy ending! are you going to do a 2cd part to this story? Just wondering. From kelly.
Megan Lyle chapter 60 . 2/28/2019
I love the idea of a squeal. Please write it.
Lady Frozen Rose chapter 60 . 1/23/2019
Your story was amazing! I loved them going back to the Silver Millenium and having a chance to do things differently in that time. I loved this chapter and I can't help but feel like it was left off in such a way that a sequel focusing on Rini and the new generation of Senshi is possible. Would love to see your idea for that :)
Cluckster chapter 60 . 1/2/2019
Thank you so much for this story. It was a wild ride! I can’t wait to read your next stories. My favorite parts were obviously everything M&K. They were so dramatic and angst filled & sweet. My favorite part has to be a tie between Mina giving up the throne & Kunzite begging her to wake up at the end. Both giant plot twists & I loved every chapter of this story. Thank you again.
Cluckster chapter 59 . 1/2/2019
Just read 59. So much. much. Once again, thank you for making M&K the drama filled couple they are.
Also, what! Plot twist!
Last chapter, or epilogue. I’m not ready Lolol
TropicalRemix chapter 60 . 1/2/2019
That was a long story. I'm glad to see them all together and the children.
hime-futatsu chapter 60 . 1/2/2019
WAHHHHHHHH! IT'S OVER! but my goodness, it was fantastic! i'm happy they all had the chance to move onto crystal tokyo and all be together and start families of their own. and remembering Fabian and Hotaru (who comes back!) this was such an amazing story! so full of details and so intricate. your writing is amazing! thank you so much for your story!
uniklas12 chapter 60 . 1/1/2019
An amazing story i hope u make a sequel
Megan Lyle chapter 60 . 1/1/2019
Wow! This is a awesome, beautiful, and exciting ending! I am looking forward to the squeal.
SecretAngelObsession chapter 60 . 1/1/2019
I loved this story!
With all it’s twists and turns, I never knew what waited in the next chapter.
It’s beautifully written!
You are an excellent story teller!
Megan Lyle chapter 59 . 12/31/2018
Whoa! This is a awesome, exciting, dramatic, and shocking chapter! I'm looking forward to the epilogue.
Lady Frozen Rose chapter 58 . 12/26/2018
can't wait for the next chapter!

this was so good and I love the reveal of Hotaru at the end of this chapter :)
Cluckster chapter 58 . 12/26/2018
The stakes are so high! I can't handle the pressure!
Kunzite evil again! Nooooooooooo! How will Mina cope?
There is so much happening. I can't.
I love your writing & obviously this story.

Both the last chapter AND the epilogue on NYE? I'm gonna get myself a nice glass of wine and a warm blanket to finish this story. I can't wait! WHATSGONNAHAPPENAAAAAHHHH!
hime-futatsu chapter 58 . 12/26/2018
AHHHH! Saturn is back! so much in so short a time! i can't wait until the next chapter! but i'm going to be sooooo sad when it's over! you are such a good writer! i can't wait to see what happens! will they go back to tokyo? stay where they are with everything fixed? the wait is going to kill me!
Jakeros chapter 58 . 12/25/2018
This better not be the end of it, I swear. There is too much loose ends here to end all of this. PArt 2 better come with part 3.

Ahhhh, crap. Here we go again. So Jadeite is still around (yay for OTP), Zoisite is toast, and now Kunzite and Nephrite are too. And now it's deja vu all over again with the Dark Kingdom.

Looks like Mina's about to go AWOL in order to set things right. Should be interesting.

The girls just can't catch a break, can they?

FINALLY! Thank you Serena for punching that smug douchebag in the kisser!

So it's endgame time children. Metaria's at the door, and the heavens are about to be rended. But will it be the final chapter of this? We shall see. It better not be. There's too many plot holes to fill up.
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