Reviews for Treasured
Lex chapter 25 . 4/1
I adored your story but I do have to admit that I didn't quite like the ending and unlike most it's not because Klaus and Caroline didn't get there happy ever after like I wanted them to. But because I just felt like it ended with a half baked conclusion, I expected to read Klaus going against Mikeal and reading about his victory or his defeat in that battle (more so I anticipated his victory because it would have been very nice to see Klaus defeat his demons caused by that man by killing the man himself) but I also would have been okay had he lost the battle (not that I wanted that to happen but I love reading unexpected things and plot twists) so I would have excepted it. I feel like that battle was talked up in the story only for us not to read it in detail and how it truly ends. I just wish it had be written out so we as readers could conclude the story from there but instead the ending (in my opinion) it just kind of fizzled off. Also I didn't agree with Caroline's decision, no matter how it ended between Klaus and Mikeal I did feel it would have fit more to Caroline's character both in the show and in your story to have stuck by him through to the end especially because she realized she loves him. I'm not angry at the overall ending but I am disappointed, it was a delight to read though regardless, I loved Viking Klaus and Village girl Caroline lol thank you for sharing your story :)
Guest chapter 25 . 6/20/2019
I absolutely loved this story. Your writing is amazing. There is no unnecessary words and actions. And the ending...after reading several happy endings in so many fanfictions, this ending was a shocker. But it was fitting, considering how you've started the story with Caroline; it only seems fair to end it with her. It's a very thought provoking ending, and I love how we never know what happens to Klaus. The ending was beautiful, I cried. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. 3
WaitingForBrilliance chapter 24 . 4/23/2019
Highly disappointed in the end. Kinda bummed I stuck with it.
Emily81802 chapter 25 . 10/25/2018
Great story! But so sad at the end lol
Forbesqueen chapter 25 . 4/18/2018
I really love your story because in the end it came full circle with Caroline acknowleging her self as someone who deserves love
iegha chapter 25 . 8/25/2017
this is the saddest Klaroline story i have ever read. crying inside.
Japanese lovely chapter 25 . 5/7/2017
First of all I have to say: beautiful English, really beautiful. But then I am extremely disatisfied with the wrong value behind the words. It is right that a person should do things for themselves, but when is it that a girl can't love and discover herself at the same time? What is it that in a relationship, two people can't be two separate entity but have to be "one"? How is it logical that one who's been desiring love for all her life run away when she finally has it? Listen up girls: don't believe in this story, you can have it all.
Guest chapter 25 . 2/20/2017
I loved your story. I am a big klaroline fan and in most of the fanfiction they end up together but I loved your ending too. It felt like a reality. Not everyone get the one person they falls in love with. And it's shown. She still kept their love alive in her stories and Klaus's ending truly deserve on how we want it, so I think he kills Mikeal and goes back to his men.
Guest chapter 25 . 9/5/2016
The story was great, the Nowhere on the way, as I was reading it, did i feel that this was a fitting ending for this type of story. It just felt like a bait and switch kind of ending, like the one we're suffering from the horrible TVD writers.
siyethemba chapter 25 . 3/25/2016
as somber as this ending is I loved this story
Kjsama chapter 25 . 3/5/2016
conflicted. this story was well written and I enjoyed the plot along with the journey of klaroline in this. I hate the ending though. I feel she had her taste of independence with Enzo and it would of been logical for her to be with klaus. I appreciate the letter because it does rationalize her reason for leaving though, as I said, I don't agree with. she made a lot of assumptions about her relationship with klaus would be like without giving it a real shot so that disappointed me tons. all in all, great story but the ending, I don't like
mscyanide chapter 25 . 2/24/2016
Thanks for a fantastic story.
Mimi chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Love the Viking concept!
freckled98 chapter 25 . 2/15/2016
Lovely, thank you
jessnicole chapter 24 . 2/10/2016
This story was fantastic and very well done. But I have to say I hated the ending you chose, if this is where the story lead you as the writer I understand that you wrote what you wrote but I read the whole story and in no way did I feel that the building blocks of the story lead to Klaus being left behind after finally learning to trust someone. I also think that Caroline traveling by herself at the time would have been fraught with peril and taking care of children is not what I at all expected for her,working for someone long days as a nanny, gross. This is not just "ugh they should be together" this is "I read this whole story for the two people that fell in love and built a relationship together to end up being alone and not together, doing inane jobs? What was the point? It was more frustrating the when "The Originals" happened because I think of you on my team, you tricked me. I read every chapter and supported this story and what a disappointing ending, I am not sad, I am just ...underwhelmed? They are not together, he probably fucking randoms as he does not want to put himself out there and she is a governess? A thankless job where your every movement is dictated by another man who can fire you whenever and make you homeless whenever? alright yes, now I am sad. How bleak. You are very talented and I am sorry for the rant but this outcome I find horribly depressing and unfullfilling
Love Jess
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