Reviews for Fealty to the Fallen
Connor Asfadjnis chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Oh heeey.

This is cool. I love the last line especially; "centuries-minutes-millennia-seconds later..." (although the second part, "and Azzanadra finally learned what had happened" felt sort of... out of place with the rest of the story). And the idea of Azzanadra taking the identity of the last person he saw, that's awesome, but I do feel like, if he were to take on the identify of someone he knew from the Third Age, it'd have to be someone he knows well and liked and/or respected. Or maybe I just don't know his character at all, who knows :D

As for a series, that could be really cool if you pick the right moments. I'd enjoy it. As for ideas, maybe the Mahjarrat first arriving on Gielinor, or the first non-Freneskae Ritual, or something?

Anyway, good story! Oh, and I love the title.