Reviews for Fragmented Reason
Mayuzu chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Well, I still hate cheaters but at least here Ichigo finally divorced Rukia. And it's also nice to see Grimmjow's on Ichigo's disposal and not vice versa )
VigorouslyWiggle chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
I really like the story, plus I've never read one with this kind of OOC Ichigo.
larasgee chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
RheizeL chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Sweeet! I think I'm your fan now. Keep it up!
TheAnimeHannah chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Aw! So sweet! Two-shot anyone? :3
ladypainkaja89 chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
oww that was sweet! I prefer much better this one to "Mirrors"..maybe because of the happy ending! *_* thank you for this!
honeyMellon chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Aaahhhh! Great start! Where are the reviews? Why are there only so few reviews for this baby?! I love your writing style, flows well and perfectly natural. Do update when you get the time and inspiration! :D
AiryAquarius chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
*Keels over from all the feels*

Aww my GOD how did I miss this big pile of cuteness?Tthat's it, I'm putting you on Author Alert.

This is so SO amazing. This is the first time, I think, coming across Ichigo as an unkind person. Usually he's portrayed as polite, if not all that friendly. And Grimmjow as a person who's absolutely smitten is one of my all time favourite characterisations! And the nicknames ohh my god you don't know how freaking happy you made me with the 'pumpkins' and the temple kissing and the tender face cupping and THE KISSING OMG YOU WONDERFUL PERSON YOU
I swear to God I was staring the computer screen and grinning like a moron while reading the ending. And then I just buried my face in my hands and giggled for a bit. If I had been sitting in a swivel chair I'd be spinning around in it just like Grimmjow.

Look what you did. You broke my face. All the giggling broke my face! *still giggling*

Thank you for sharing! My GrimmIchi fangirl is ecstatic!
bchiles21 chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
I loved this!
212666 chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
That kiss gave me shivers. This was lovely, the perfect contrast to the desperation of mirrors.
Patd06 chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
Ermagerd, that shit was cray! I'm sorry I'm not my usual eloquent self, but it's like one in the morning...I just could not stop reading this fic! Girl, you are so awesome! I wish I could come up with something better to say, but my brain isn't functioning correctly...just know that I thoroughly enjoyed this just as much as I enjoyed Mirrors, and that I still think you're an awesome writer...great work:)