Reviews for A Little Push
pesesita08 chapter 1 . 12/20/2019
Katty05 chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
Okay, I've read this fic like ten times now, and it's always even better than I remember. Your writing is phenomenal. The description of not just their actions but their thoughts and feelings is what really sets this oneshot apart. It's absolutely breathtaking, thrilling and the reason you're one of my favorite writers on here. I know it's been centuries now, but just so you know, a sequel would be greatly appreciated if you find time for it, because this cliff hanger gets me every time! XD

Stay amazing, and thanks so much for this masterpiece!
satomika chapter 1 . 8/25/2015

I love it!

Despite Levi's coldness and distance~~~


Anyway, more, please! :D
moonsceptre chapter 1 . 3/21/2014
Haha this was soooo great, please write more chapters :D
Morte Cacciatore chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
Fantastic Story! I Just wish there was more!
Calm Chen chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Wow, that was nice!

But I have to say I don't really understand the last part. A cliffhanger?
Fan1.0 chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
Nice one. You captured Levi's drugged persona quite nicely. The cliffhanger(I assume it is a cliffhanger) left everything to our minds but there's no problem if there won't be another chapter. I love the fact that you used how Levi would stare at his comrades at the table.
lapizlazulijavi chapter 1 . 12/24/2013

*Whispers* Is there going to be a sequel for this?
pammazola chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
Whoa. Angry Levi is angry. I love how you write his temper! Those little details, like how he is holding the taller recruit by the ear, are spectacular. I also preferred the steady, gradual unwinding he and Petra experienced after the drugging, instead of a light switch effect, it gave it a little more sense of realism than I had expected coming into this. I enjoyed how you held off unveiling their feelings for one another, it felt like the feelings where there all along but just needed "a little push"for them to be acknowledged. The lemon was done very tastefully and that's something difficult to come across and really does take some talent and thought. In all I have to say that this is fantastic, that cliffhanger ending is such a tease, but I hope you come back, whether it be for this or something else. Thank you thank you for sharing, and happy holidays to you. :)