Reviews for Café Jupiter
Guest chapter 12 . 8/28
Ah, words can't describe how much I love this 3
Guest chapter 12 . 8/19
cometlite chapter 12 . 7/29
Guest chapter 12 . 7/24
Guest chapter 12 . 7/22
This is like, my 5th re-read of this fanfic. Awesome as always!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/5
Best Jeyna fic, hands down
bennett18 chapter 12 . 6/28
Great piece! I thought the last one was the finish but i was wrong. Try to update more regularly nowadays, ok?
Bebewolf chapter 12 . 6/12
That was an amazing chapter! GAAAH i cant wait for the next update. Oh and please write more Jeyna fics. I am hoping to find a feudal or a royal fic about them as well.
Bebewolf chapter 7 . 6/12
I love how you wrote this! OMG a new competitor entered the ring. That was an amazing touch.
Bebewolf chapter 3 . 6/12
Omg that last bit hit me straight through the heart. I am soft huhu
ScarredHope chapter 12 . 5/26
Oh, this chapter was such a balm to my soul! The ending of the last chapter made me so worried! But honestly this was the best solution. As soon as Jason and Piper got together, we knew it was going to get messy, but this break up was handled with such grace. (I do admit the gossip in me does want to know who pulled the trigger. I always thought it would be Piper, but I have to assume that Jason started the conversation here). Not to mention the final conversation from this chapter pushes the story in a really interesting introspective direction. I'm really excited to see Jason's emotional journey going forward from this point.
All over this chapter was just super sweet and absolutely perfect. So worth the wait!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/25
Myyy baabiessss *insert heart eyes here*
lorelieacas76 chapter 12 . 5/22
This is a work of art! I thought that Reynabeth was superior but NOPE this made me change my mind about ships COMPLETELY. THIS IS THE BAST FANFIC EVER!
belalalala chapter 12 . 5/22
YASSS the best jeyna fanfic is back!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/10
Thank you SO MUCH for writing about jeyna because god knows how much canon pissed me off and let me down about this're amazing and these fics are probably the only things that make me root for this ship at this point tbh (looking at you, tyrant's tomb)...ok rant over lmao...(oh and just wanna say you're a frickin amazing writer!)
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