Reviews for Beating of the hearts
Cronos Tantei-san chapter 14 . 10/9/2019
Hi there, I just recently started to watch Broadchurch and was checking for ffs. Yours is a really good one. A deep storyline with a lot of thoughts and emotions. And even if it has been a while since you asked: Yes, please go on. I think, you started a really great storyline and I am eager to read the end. Poor ppl in your story need some happy ending.
glouton chapter 14 . 7/5/2019
Nice fic !
Lavawing45 chapter 14 . 6/2/2019
Just got into the broadchurch community and loved this fic. Please do more and yes I'm sure this is very late lol.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/12/2019
Yes! More please
Guest chapter 14 . 5/12/2019
Yes! Please! I literally miss Broadchurch so much, I re read fic all the time and would LOVE more. I didn't read this one because it wasn't updated in so long but totally will now. Also seems to be the place for fic these days so perhaps consider putting your stuff there, if you haven't yet, to reach some more readers.
Lovecats81 chapter 14 . 4/3/2019
yes there are. I want to read every story i can about broadchurch. Have been hoping for this to be updated.
NorthNorthWest chapter 14 . 3/31/2019
Yes ! Yes there's ! Your stroy is fantastic and it would please me so much if you bring back all those characters !
Thank you for your work !
Morena chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
Yes! There still are Broadchurch-fans all over the globe! (of which I'm one)
If you'd like to continue with this fanfic, I'd love to read it!

Guest chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
I do! I still want to read it! I love broadchurch and I dont care what anyone says. This fandom will never die! Lol
Guest chapter 14 . 3/29/2019
Yes, yes! There are still Broadchurch-fans eagerly awaiting updates and new stories (of which I am one)!

So if your interest is back, and you'd like to continue this story, I'd LOVE to read it!
Scotbren chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
I'm still here, and totally ready to re-read from the beginning if you think you'll revisit it!
viggochk chapter 14 . 3/29/2019
I would love to see it continue! I go back through and re-read the existing fanfics all the time.
Selena92 chapter 13 . 12/29/2017
Love this.

Poor Alec, I really hope Ellie can help him, it's terrible he's hurting so much.
It took a while to get used to the different background story but I like the relationship you describe Alec having with his daughter, Hannah (that one is weird too, keep expecting her to be called Daisy, as in canon, but it's ok). Well, the relationship he used to have with her before his wife betrayed him in the worst possible way and he took the fall for it all.
The thing with Jon is intriguing, but tragic. Is that Alec's former best friend and if so, why did Alec not know he survived...and more importantly, why does he not recognize Alec? Did he loose his memories in that plane crash? If so, for Alec's sake, I truly hope he'll remember. Alec could use a friend. Yeah, there's Ellie, but she's suffering too.

What happened to Olly? (He's Ellies nephew, btw. Niece would be a girl.)

And who was following Alec and Ellie?

Speaking of Ellie, I really hope people and most of all Beth start to come around and realise how much she is suffering. She needs support, not their scorn. Really glad Alec is there for her, as much as he can be, considering his own depression, self-harm (hope she finds it out soon and he'll get the help he needs to stop it) and pain.

Please update as soon as you can.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/2/2016
Like this! Please finish?
franzi86 chapter 13 . 11/3/2016
I'm so glad you picked this story up again! Can't wait to read what happened to Olly and to Hard's former friend and if he's really risen from the dead.

English is not my first language, so I don't like picking apart other people's grammar. I think you're doing fine, aside from small things! The only thing I'd like to point out: Olly is Ellie's nephew. Niece is the female version :)

Please do continue this story! I'd really like to see this through till the end and you have an interesting story going here!
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