Reviews for The Labyrinth of Illusions
Aiedail4eva chapter 5 . 6/24
This was so silly and funny. I just can’t thank you enough for the Zuko dance off scene I was dying hahaha, I love seeing him in awkward situations, his reactions are so cute. Thank you for this 3 I’m about to read undying fire. I loved following blue so much and now I’m stalking your stories lol.
Vi-Violence chapter 2 . 5/16
I love that movie.
Data Seeker chapter 5 . 7/28/2019
Chapter 5


Now I’ve reached the last chapter.

Katara and Zuko have reached their final destination, but have (to borrow a video game term) the Boss Level.

The Boss Level had some good drama/adventure and humor and full of depth, complexity and scope.

The ending with Zuko returning to his home and…has a new world view is great. His thoughts of Katara are great too.

And though we don’t see Katara return, it’s safe to know that she’s safe and that works for this chapter.

As for the wholesome standards, the swearing was vulgar.

FINAL CONCLUSION. Now that we reached the story’s end, I have to say it was interesting and very believable. It could have happened in the actual TV series.

I do think some details don’t work. But that doesn’t make them bad, it’s probably just my preference.

I do have a few questions on your character, Bill if that’s alright.

I hope this review Brightens Your Day though there was criticism. God bless

Data Seeker
Data Seeker chapter 4 . 7/28/2019
Chapter 4


Dynamic beginning with Katara and Zuko agreeing to stick together against whatever the Maze throws at them- only for it to separate them and…well we see what Zuko experiences.

It’s dynamic how Zuko sees his worse fears, including one he didn’t realize he had. It’s great how logic and emotion clash while facing illusions. Then he overcomes them and finds Katara- whelmed by her fears given form.

It was great how they discuss their pain and loss, and Zuko gives Katara some encouragement- in his own awkward way. Now they think they solved a puzzle of the Maze of Illusions and can confront their tormentor.

The telltales and symbolism of the Illusions they experienced are clever and nicely written.

The wholesome standards are clean. Nothing dirty.

I hope you like this review. God bless

Data Seeker
Data Seeker chapter 3 . 7/28/2019


The continuation with Zuko and Katara trapped in the Maze of Illusion is great. Their characterization is great. They have a heavy history, Zuko is grumpy and Katara is holding a grudge, and very embarrassed by her recent drunkenness.

It was great how the Heat of the Moment led to Katara saving Zuko from a cruel trick by the Maze of Illusion.

Now they have a truce. Nice ending for chapter 3.

The personalities and interactions of Zuko and Katara are great, namely how they have a lot of emotional baggage and their good traits sometimes surface, like when Zuko was caught in a cruel illusion, Katara’s animosity vanished and she helps him and then…well it’s complicated for both of them.

This is what I think the wholesome standards.

Some of the language is vulgar.
There is nothing sexually explicit, but I think that one innuendo is vulgar.

I hope you like this review though there is criticism. God bless

Data Seeker
Data Seeker chapter 2 . 7/28/2019
Chapter 2


Nice continuation of your Labyrinth fic.

The beginning with Katara in a mirror maze and then meets a talking caterpillar that does tea parties was interesting.

The middle with Zuko taking his own path an meeting the famous two-doors- one leading to certain death was an amusing twist.

The ending with Zuko finding Katara drunk was amusing.

The content is good in many areas. The suspense, drama, adventure, complexity and scope are excellent.

Katara and Zuko are very in character. Their thoughts, emotions, interactions, reactions and dialog are well written.

This is what I think of the wholesome standards. Some of the language and references are crude.

I hope you like this review though there is criticism. God bless

Data Seeker
Data Seeker chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
Chapter 1


I skimmed this fic a while ago. Now I’m going to read and review it properly.

The story ideas for Katara and Zuko getting kidnapped and forced to play a game at the amusement of a Spirit are clever.

The beginning with Katara and Zuko finding them in a strange place, don’t like each other and can’t bend Fire or Water was good.

The appearance of a antagonistic spirit aka the villain of your fic was good. He has a twisted sense of humor.

It’s dynamic cliffhanger with Katara refusing Zuko’s suggestion they team up in this Supernatural Game of Survival.

The characterizations are good. Zuko and Katara are very in character. Your villain, Cuojue Bili-Shi-Jing or Bill for short is interesting. His hybrid form has appeal, and his nasty comical personality is good.

The quality is good in many areas. I’ll have to wait till I reach the last review which will include “Finale Conclusion.”

This is what I think of wholesome standards.

The language is at least one uncalled swear word.
As for the sexual references, they are not explicit or suggestive. But they are kind of gross. Shall I elaborate?
But other than that, I have no problem.

I hope you like this review though there is criticism. God bless

Data Seeker
Guest chapter 3 . 3/28/2019
Hahahaha I loved this! Confusing and silly and perfect
Katze chapter 2 . 5/20/2018
I was definitely not expecting Katara to be drunk Alice, but I like it.
blahblahbayern chapter 5 . 4/29/2018
This was brilliant! I hope Advocaat enjoyed it as much as I did! :)
Forbidden-Hanyou chapter 5 . 3/25/2018
This was such a fantastic read! Thank you for creating it! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 1/4/2018
Why does the caterpillar have a Chinese name? 什么折”快乐”狗屎呀?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/4/2018
Aww I love how you flipped the "I think I'm the one who should be thanking you line" :')
ItStartsWithZ chapter 5 . 12/17/2017
love it!
StrawberryKris chapter 5 . 10/6/2017
Brilliantly hilarious. Loved it!
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