Reviews for Dune (Rationalized)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Dune is very rationalized in the first place. Also, there is politics under the surface of the book. It can sometimes be hard to see the underlying themes, though this does not rationalize your decision that Muad'Dib would be very Draco-ish, and not at all like what he really is. Also, the House Atreides-one of the three Major Houses of the Lansdraad, mind you- are not morons. if they really were, nobody would finish the book that is again and again voted the best science fiction novel of the century and is the best sci-fi creation ever. Because of this, I do not understand why you have finished the book if you thought it so bad that you would criticize it on a fan fiction site. Thank you for your time.
James chapter 1 . 9/17/2015
Glad you don't write for a living. I can just envision your first novel, A Beginning, A Middle, The End, Fine. Very riveting .
LordDestro1415 chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
So it should have ended with lots of "Um's"?
This ending is derivative, kitsch, and idiotic.
Why would Muad'dib explain is plan with bullet points? Why are you painting him as a terrorist, utilizing tactics employed by ISIS and other extremist groups?
Lord22 chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
Oh god that's hilarious. I'm not precisely sure where it fits in the Dune timeline, but yeah, Paul Atreides cuts the knot. So much for the Jihad.

Well played sir.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
Awesome of course.