Reviews for Know Thy Enemy
rine28 chapter 29 . 7/6
Love it updated spoon please
Kelly chapter 29 . 6/25
Oh shit! Are we going to see Sesshomaru fight? Wait...can he do anything with Rin attached to him? Update soon!
Greatness17 chapter 29 . 6/11
Wow what a great story! I can’t stop laughing
Guest chapter 29 . 5/29
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh looooooveeeeee
Happytello98 chapter 29 . 5/24
Yay Your Back! Been awhile, glad to know you ok. How's Japan? Sequel to Inuyasha Yay! that's great news. Take care, stay safe and healthy, thanks for the update.
Happytello98 chapter 28 . 5/24
Love this story, always thanks for the updates
rockyroad69 chapter 29 . 5/16
Still pretty good !
Anonymous chapter 29 . 5/15
Gods love and missed this story so much
Kay chapter 29 . 5/10
Woohoo super happy you came back to this and super happy with the news too!
SmallLittleCagedBird chapter 29 . 5/10
Great chapter! Freaking excited for the possible tv show I had no idea! That sounds amazing!
kagomeLove2 chapter 29 . 5/10
Nice to see a new chapter after so long. Lol. I a, very glad that this story is not dead.

Now is it confirm that Rin is the mother? How are Japanese reacting to the news that Sesshoumaru has Hanyo kids and that Rin may be the mother? I need to know because. Some people do not seem happy about that at all.

Please tell me it is confirmed that Rin is the mother. I seriously need my Rin-chan to be the mother.
KimmiGirl9 chapter 29 . 5/10
I have a feeling anonymous could be anyone.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/9
Ahhh a new update! I was jumping with joy when I saw this on the list! I hope you can continue it again to! I want to read the ending!
GudeSessh chapter 29 . 5/9
How are people in Japan taking the news? I saw Rin-Chan trending in Japanese Twitter. Shit I’m so fucking happy my ship is going to be canon. Sesshomaru’s daughters... are HANYOU WOOO!
KimmiGirl9 chapter 15 . 5/9
Omg I can’t stop crying
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