Reviews for The Annals of Darkness: The Tower of Trials
Squall2012 chapter 26 . 5/2/2019
Still as awesome as ever, Shire. Good to see you're actually updating this one again, I was wondering where you had gotten to. Excellent job as always, and can't wait to see what happens when the whole Undead thing blows up on them. Hopefully Kai doesn't chicken out on helping to clear them.
BlueAbyssHax chapter 26 . 3/1/2019
I finished KH3, I shouldn't have read this when I did. All that teasing in that and in this just tugs mah heart dammit! This is one of the few fictional pairings I care about.

Nice to see your doing good though, I know I said I wasn't seriously reading anymore but I still gotta come and look every here and there for ya.
Frosty Wolf chapter 26 . 3/1/2019
And so the running gag introduced in the next book is introduced. I'm sure Sora and Kairi will grow tired of it long before we will though! It was still a nice scene though, and I'm curious to see what other kinds of costumes our heroes will be forced into.

And since its been brought up, how lung until their group gets dragged into the undead problem.
ejasm07 chapter 26 . 3/1/2019
Great chapter. Loved the SoKai fluff. Really funny when Sora fell asleep just when he and Kairi were finally about to do it. Keep up the good work and update ASAHP
JayHart chapter 26 . 3/1/2019
Oof; poor Kairi lol. Good to see the Destiny Trio having some fun together again, too.
TonyTank chapter 25 . 2/24/2019
Honestly, it's difficult to come up with critiques with how well written it is. The only one that really comes to mind is that there's not enough of it. ;p

But seriously, you're great with the characters you've made, as well as those you've taken under your wing, so to speak. Keep up the awesome writing!
JayHart chapter 25 . 2/26/2019
Good! Poor Yvette, heh.

I wonder if the others won't trying to summon theirs, later on.
Frosty Wolf chapter 25 . 2/24/2019
Interesting chapter, we start with some setup for the tournament, with the normal accompanying banter that we've come to expect from our heroes. Forming a band was a curious decision, so I'm curious to see where that goes. Then the summoning lesson took a very unexpected turn!

Cosmos does make a good point though, none of their instructors are Keyblade wielders and it does make sense to have proper training in their use. There could be abilities that they've completely overlooked so far!

But at the same time, part of me thinks she hijacked the spell and stopped him from being able to summon anything else because she missed him. Half of one, fifty percent of the other.

And I understand not wanting to spoil anything from KH3, since it's still a fairly recent release. But as someone who's finished the game already, what did you think? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
Dracoflare21 chapter 25 . 2/24/2019
Good chapter as always Shire! REALLY loved the Team Four Star reference in the last third of the chapter!
Warner chapter 24 . 1/27/2019
To commemorate your continued work in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, and especially your dedication to SoKai, I would like to extend to you an invitation to our discord server, wherein we discuss different story ideas, compare notes, and generally work to show our appreciation for our OTP.

Inquire within: /V6ysq2d
Frosty Wolf chapter 24 . 12/25/2018
Another entertaining chapter. And it looks like Sora and company are about to get minions! Or whatever the heroic equivalent of minion is. And yes, Kingdom Hearts 3 is so close and so far away at the same time. I doubt I'll have time to complete all the prequel games before it gets here, but hopefully it'll distract me until the end of January.

Then I'll probably disappear for a few days when it finally comes out, though I doubt that's just me.

Meanwhile, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
JayHart chapter 24 . 12/24/2018
Hmm. Quite the question to leave them thinking about!
Well written as usual, though I see a few typos and odd phrasing spots that your beta will no doubt catch once there is time. You're really making me eager to see this tournament.
Guest chapter 22 . 11/2/2018
Transgender people? Drugs? Schoolhouse rock?
JayHart chapter 23 . 10/31/2018
Ah! Another good chapter, Shire. Solid flow and characterization as usual. I'm hoping we get some action of some kind in the next one, whether it's drama or battle. Keep your pace steady as it has been; try not to rush too fast into maturing characters ahead of time or your pacing could get messed up.
Frosty Wolf chapter 23 . 10/31/2018
A nice little transition chapter here. Sora seems pretty popular here even after just a few weeks, shame he probably won't see any of them again once he returns to his own dimension. Still, got to enjoy the time they have together.
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