Reviews for Lost Child
Guest chapter 4 . 7/18
Awwwww, I love how Daryl's kinda adopted her. I really wanna know what happened to her brother, also how old is she? I can't remember if it said.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18
Don't mind me just eating a heart
SunflowersandRainyDays chapter 2 . 6/6
So Lori hits a kid but no one says anything? Wth?
jeika5243 chapter 126 . 5/21
I adore this story I binged read it in a day and its amazing! I can't wait for more!
EmperorCookies chapter 126 . 3/20
My chest hurts. Goddamn that Walker line instilled the fear of god within me. But here we are, all 126 chapters in two measly days. Let me just say this has honestly been one of the greatest stories I've read outside of my own closed off corner out in the RWBY fandom. The pacing, emotional beats, characterization, descriptions, flow, is sublime. Once again, sans small grammatical missteps, my only criticism is that you write like the audience is completley familiar with cannon, glossing over massive swathes of plot with naught a mention of what happened. I get its Jamie's story that's being told and not the cannon timeline but still. I had to double take quite a few times trying to figure out what happened and that really messed with the flow.

Once again, this is your story and I'm not demanding you change your plans but I ask you to have mercy on the poor cowboy pirate. I legitimately do think if you really tried you could find a great place for him in the direction the show is going. You've proven your skill with that in how flawlessly Jamie's story has been woven into Daryl and the group's. His character died with so much potential yet to be fulfilled, think what he could do in the Whisperer War. Or the way he could get involved with the CRM and Rick's story or the commonwealth. How his relationship with Negan could evolve in the absence of his father. And hey. if sticking to cannon is your concern, the T.V. show is just well produced Fanfiction of the comics, so you'd be just straddling the two worlds. Think about it, regardless of your decision you've earned a fic-long fan.

I hope school is treating you well, I admit I don't know much about what goes into nursing but if you're half as good at it as you are at writing you have nothing to worry about. The lack of an A/N in years actually kind of worries me so I legitimately hope you're well. Thank you for an amazing read, Fluffy. I await the next update eagerly.
EmperorCookies chapter 125 . 3/20
fuck here we go. Carl if you get yourself bit you gangly fuck. Just fuck man. Ah dammit. This gon hurt
EmperorCookies chapter 117 . 3/20
One sentence review?


Dont kill Carl.
EmperorCookies chapter 114 . 3/20
Holy fuck Fluffy. That was actually goddamn devastating. As a wise man once saidThat shit hurted"
EmperorCookies chapter 113 . 3/20
You greasy FUCK. What the shit was that Negan you cock gurgling son of a dick licking cunt?! Cannon be damned Daryl better castrate that snarky piece of rancid Walker shit
EmperorCookies chapter 110 . 3/20
Haha... Negan. This would've been just after the showstopper of an s7 opener. All Out War was one helluva arc. Glenn and Abraham's homerun is gonna hurt like shit again but Negan will probably try to adopt Jamie let's be real. she's just the kind of thing a man like him respects. I wonder if she'll join Carl on his suicide assault on the Saviors. I still got 16 chapters left dammit I should keep reading already
EmperorCookies chapter 104 . 3/20
Shit, even now this scene hits like Lucille. May I recommend you read the comics if you haven't already. You can get them on the internet for the very low price of free if you can deal with the ads. They offer great insight into a slightly different order of events and character personalities. *cough* Carl doesn't die *cough*. Yes I will continue to push that until the fateful chapter is published and no I do not have an ounce of shame.
EmperorCookies chapter 102 . 3/20
Okay so first the reader in me wants to say it's your story, do what you think is right for your characters. Buuuut the writer in me has to point out the massive flaw in Carl's sudden switch in attitude towards Jamie. Just three chapters ago he was totally smitten with the girl and now hes into Enid. Its jarring as all hell. Listen, I know you're trying your best to follow what the show layed down plot wise, but the show messes up frequently. Dont be afraid to change cannon, get a little ooc. It adds a layer of interest and anticipation for those familiar with the plot. Am I saying this in a desperate attempt to save carl from getting turbo fucked? Possibly. But the story has been brilliant so far and it makes the botched Enid thing all the more glaring. Had there been examples in the story, not just the unspoken tv ones, of carl bonding with her it would've helped greatly. Writing as if the audience is 100 percent familiar with the source creates problems like this, especially with an OC so entwined with a character like this. Keep up the amazing work my friend, I hope you're doing well.
EmperorCookies chapter 101 . 3/20
What the fuck did I just say Enid. Sonava bitch I hope you like shish kebabs cause I'm putting that bitch on repeat.
EmperorCookies chapter 99 . 3/20
Ah fuck. This won't last. The John Green reference gave it away the depressing bastard. I swear if that fucker Enid fucks this I'll watch season 9 as revenge.
EmperorCookies chapter 98 . 3/20
I had to hold in a squee. Lord above why are you so good at writing them together.
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