Reviews for Experiences
Merr2 chapter 1 . 4/20
Not what I was expecting but that made this even more enjoyable. Instead of them having a literal encounter it's through the psyches Rogue comes into contact with. I never thought about this type of connection that the two have shared. Super unique and interesting thank you!
seiliewichts chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
I have to say, that even as someone who ships Logan/Rogue exclusively with each other, I found myself enjoying this story. Such unique perspective about their comic relationship. Thanks for sharing this with us.
dhalpin3 chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
Wow a rogue story that does not involve Gambit. Yea! Rogue is so often written in fanfic with Gambit that it should be baned. Nice set of stories and quite correct in context. Nicely done.
laenamoradadeROGUE chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
Very nice. A different way of intimacy. I enjoyed reading this
pronker chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Excellent, just what I was searching for tonight.
Suqu124 chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
interesting story and love how everything connects and links together from Rogue's POV. i enjoyed the story and hope more comes
DeathmatchDrunkard chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
Good job. Its complexity appeals to fans knowledgable in the characters' history, but at the same time is simple enough not to scare away anyone who may only know the movies.
Nienna Rose chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
I love a writer who knows the X-Men history like this so even if the story sucked I'd give you ten out of ten points but the story is really good so bravo, bravo, bravo!
Jeanniebird chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
Wow, there are so many recognizable absolutly amazing comics woven into this story, Get Mystique and X-Force Sex and Violance just to name a few. It was really fun read something familiar but still at the same time entirely new and your own.

While I'm usually not one to read smut just for the sake of smut, I must admit, this kinky threesome is something I wouldn't mind exploring :p

Well, I always felt like Rogue was more of a kid sister to Logan in the comics than one of is adoptive daughters. But that's the great thing about comics: Lot's of room for interpretation.

Keep up the amazing work!
Helltown's Avatar chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
Wow that was an amazing one-shot. I love the POV of Wolvie " Relationships". Great Story!
lychee loving chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
I got so excited reading through this and pointing out to myself, "I know what issue this is describing!" like a huge dork. Ahaha.

Anyway, I really liked this! Rogue wondering how many notches Logan has on his bedpost is great and fantastic. I kinda wonder if anyone else in the Marvel U has wondered the same. I'm not a fan of Logan/Rogue myself, actually, but I really like the perspective you set up here. And that ending...! (If this is supposed to reflect what's happened over at Uncanny Avengers then it makes it all the more painful wow)

But gosh. All of Logan's women. I kept shaking my head. (This kinda reminds me of one fic around here that's basically a "What If" of one Logan meeting all his AU children.)

Obligatory yay!moment that you have Ororo in here not once, but twice (that's one threesome I would love to read somewhere wow)!

All in all, awesome work! Always glad to read more from you. :)