Reviews for lizzie
beaty chapter 58 . 10/28/2019
Great story - thank you very much!
Hopefulley there will be a follow up. Or at least an epilogue but as it is some years old I might luck out. What a pity!
Guest chapter 58 . 7/18/2018
bravo ! ! !
EmlynMara chapter 58 . 4/30/2017
Fun interesting story. Sad that she never told him she loved him. I enjoyed reading it.

I am guessing that laws in Australia are different than in the US. For an underage girl to be involved with an adult man, especially with one that much older than she was, would be statutory rape (or at least that is my understanding). Jimmy to me is a predator, and I really wish he would have been locked up for preying on underage girls. That part of the story just really disturbed me. I never really got the feeling he had changed, and just worry about other girls potentially falling victim to him. I wish he could have been stopped.

I enjoyed getting more glimpses of Australia through your story and enjoyed your characters. Thanks for sharing.
LANY404 chapter 58 . 2/14/2017
Great story! Great writing style! LOVE IT! LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT but I think one of the best takes in this novel (and yes, after reading all of it, I think this would be a stand-alone novel more than a fanfic) is the fact that the characters make references to Austen's P&P and the fact that their names are the same! This is the first story where I met with this idea, and I love it! For sure today's Will Darcys and Elizabeth Bennets would be familiar, or at least heard of, P&P!
But surely this story is not over? You are going to write more stories, a sequel to this one (or more). I think most of your readers would agree with me: this story left few more untold stories, (maybe some of the other characters stories)! You might want to look at another great P&P modern fanfic, called Meryton Matchmakers where she is going to write 5 books (I think), and now is writing book no. 3, each book talking about a different couple, but the story of Lizzy and Darcy continues in all 5.
Anyway, again, GREAT GREAT STORY!
Guest chapter 58 . 7/14/2015
Well, i just spent two days reading your story and i just couldn't leave it without a review even though i'm really just here to read. I dont know if you'll ever see this, but i needed to say thanks for a great story and beautifully interpreted characters. You did an amazing job! And the story is really beautifully written. I espetialy love how it's not just about will and lizzie finding each other, it's about growing up and finding themselves as well. Just like the original! I think that is what really endeared your story to me. Oh, and i absolutely love your p&p references! And i think it's just plain awesome that jane austens words helped your lizzie grow! I guess it's kind of simbolic, her work has had a similar efect on my life (probably the reason i hang on fan fiction in stead of... doing what im supposed to do) even though jane eyre is really my absolute favourite :) but i'm rambling now.. anyway, i hope this makes you smile if you ever read it :) have a nice day
ps oh, and i'd love to read any other stories you might write :)
KurukiXV chapter 58 . 12/8/2014
It's over! I actually started reading this from the beginning when you had about 52 chapters posted, I think? I'm a late comer, but I read from beginning to end! I really enjoyed this story, your Lizzie was down to earth and I really liked that. And your Will was sexy and nerdy, it's like the best of both worlds! I especially enjoyed all their awkward and sweet moments together spent at Will's abode, I really feel like you captured that portion of the story excellently. Thank you for gracing us all with this wonderful story!
Ghost Writer 5 chapter 1 . 12/6/2014
Dear Michelle,
Since I am not yet 13 but 12 I cannot create an account as of yet of this March. I will always be reading your fanfic like the creepy stalker I am.
Yours Truly,
Ghost Writer 5
wendywho chapter 58 . 12/2/2014
3 wonderful :') sad to see this one over
Ansujali chapter 58 . 12/2/2014
Michelle, Michelle...
I had to distance myself for a few days from writing my final good-bye review on your story since I was a puddle of goo and tears on the kitchen floor since I read Will's last words which wrapped up this beautiful gem of a story.
Being a German and therefore not able to call English my native language, I digged up my battered dictionary to come up with all the adjectives necessary and yet completely insufficient to describe what I loved and adored so much about "lizzie":
light-hearted, profound, wise, entertaining, deep, insightful, human, thoughtful, profound, honest, lovely, tearful, quirky, unbelievable, (did I mention 'profound' already? Really?) weird, soulful... Gosh, I could go on and on and on...
Your Lizzie was the most unique modern adaptation, the most lovable, the most honest, most human, the quirkiest one I can remember out of the roundabout 500 P&P stories I have read so far.
Your Will ... What can I say? I totally, irrevocably, incandessantly fell in love with him. Out of the mentioned 500 stories he's right there in my TOP3 (with "Translations" and "One Cold Summer" - in no particular order) - and someone I would LOVE to meet in real life. I wish him all the best in the world... which in 'his' world is a happy life with Lizzie.

As a result, I feel that you ended the story somewhere in the middle since I want - no, let me correct that - I would DIE to read about Will and Lizzie feel their way into being in a relationship with one another, bathing in their newfound love and irritating the heck out of each other in bumping along the road of a new 'together' of equal spirits and hearts.

You are bat shit crazy talented.

That being said (and felt with all my heart), hear my honest plea to not let us hang like that but to feed us at least some of the moments of their future together as seen through your unique lense that captures the intricacies and depth of the human soul and heart so fully and beautifully.

Whatever you will come up in the future, I will devour in honest awe of your talent.

Your faithful fan forever,
Susi from Germany (aka Ansujali)
PS: thanks again so much for your one-shot on Will that my comment inspired ;-)
janashe chapter 58 . 12/2/2014
delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS on completing your delightful story! Looking forward to the sequel ... or whatever else you write about ODC
Shevi chapter 58 . 12/1/2014
I just caught up on this story, and let me tell you, my roommates kept yelling at me for squealing every two seconds.
I loved it. I absolutely loved it. This evoked the perfect feelings every time. The way you created the story, so that we could understand Darcy a bit more as a character was brill.
I give this story a hearty three thumbs up, and now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to read it again.
sarah510 chapter 58 . 12/1/2014
Thanks for writing such an awesome story.I was truly addicted to this story and was very impatient for the next update. I love this lizzie and will
Plzz do continue it
Haruko Higurashi chapter 58 . 12/1/2014
Alex M

As silly as it sounds, I've been having quite an emotional day and reading the last chapter of such a wonderful story, that's so well written and honest, wemm, it really kind of, perhaps, wrought tears to my eyes. Thank you for writing such a great story and, especially, for having the dedication to see it to the end. You have lots and lots of talent and I hope you keep writing whatever you feel like, I'll read it for sure, believe me. And just so you know how far your story has reached, I'm Mexican, so this wonderful fanfic has traveled the whole world. Lots of blessings to you and the best of luck! P.s. I know I've said this thousands of times (probably in almost every single review I've written you) but your Lizzie is my favorite Lizzie ever, she's pretty close to surpassing my love of the original Elizabeth Bennet.
DylangraceB chapter 58 . 12/1/2014
Excellent story and lovely ending. Thanks for writing!
BooRadley chapter 58 . 12/1/2014
It's over? Noooo! I'm gonna miss Lizzie and her brain. :(
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