Reviews for The Lost Files - The Jensaraai Encounter
Certain POV chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
The only complaint I have about this good story is that there was no subtlety to Nabal's character; like Jacen said, he's a Vader wannabe. Still, good story here, like I said.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
I don't know how I missed the alert for this story a month ago (oh wait I do, stupid finals) but I really wish that I had been able to read it before, it's great!

One bit of a critique, I know that even after the Vong war, Jacen was extremely powerful since he had started learning more about the Force and finally stopped self doubting himself, but it almost seemed to me like he is a little too powerful in this adventure considering that it is his first stop in a new Force community, but that is just my opinion.

When and where did he pick up Mace's lightsaber? From reading 'From the Ashes,' it sounded more like he picked it up sometime after he meet the clone (I forget his name) and met with Mace's Force ghost.

Does Jacen ever report to Supreme-Kaar?

If you have more of these, I can't wait to read them!
SiouxFan chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
I like your additions to Eriana's'll be fun to read about their next adventure...although I'm not sure how 'professional' two people in their 20's can be what with all of the endless hours of hyperspace travel!
colbyshere2008 chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
Ok So i have been waiting on someone to tell us what happened to Jacen during his self exile. So far I am loving this keep it up. Do me a favor tho when your writing kinda implement how long he was in these locations. Like my understanding , he was here for a little more than a week some other force races Angi, and the witches of dathomir and stuff may take longer. What is your ideas on that. Like how long does he stay with the Void walkers or what ever they were called on the Place that held abeloth in check . I dunno im rambling have a good day and keep up the wonderful work!