Reviews for To My Syo-chan
korin-chan14 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
"I wish that you hadn't fallen for Haru-chan."
This line just broke my heart /cries
RavenclawWitch chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
Oh gosh, I totally understand your feelings. Wish I could confess to my Na-chan, maybe this way my heart would hurt a little less. Thanks for your fic, it is really sensible and it came to me at the right time. Bye!
Driftingskies chapter 1 . 4/8/2014

Okay, so usually if I were to write a review, I would try to come up and write a proper, well thought out review. BUT THIS - oh goshhhhhhhhhh. This fic was so cute and so fluffy it crumbled me. I can barely stop grinning. Ah! Feels - so much feels. SO MUCH CUTE.

I mean, I love the letter Natsuki wrote to Syo, and how he describes all the tiny tiny things. And when I read the part where Natsuki thinks Syo is with Haruka, my heart fell - I love Syo/Haruka as much as I love Syo/Natsuki, but I thought this was turning out to be an angsty fic, but then - the whole idea was flipped 180 degrees and I just can't HANDLE THE FLUFFINESS NOW. AHHHHHHH.

Thank you for writing this. I had SO MUCH FUN reading it!
LoneMusician chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
I am like dying of THE FEELS!AJSJDJDIIEKR! Looking forward to reading more of your stories. :)
Thieving Neko chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
Aw, derp. This was cute. :D