Reviews for The Pact
December Jeffries chapter 29 . 9/1
Wow! I loved this story. It was amazing how connected they were from their very first meeting.
limtse1978 chapter 29 . 5/24
Not many stories can make me cry, especially when reading the story for the second time... this was beautifully written from start to finish. It gave me all the feels! Love, love this story!
Luvdisney2007 chapter 29 . 2/29
I have no idea why I didn’t know this story existed until yesterday but it was fantastic. There has been part of it where I cried with them and laughed and just loved being a part of their world. I feel so stupid that I didn’t look into your earlier work. It’s amazing.
Steflo310 chapter 29 . 2/28
P.Self chapter 16 . 1/3
Love this story, Thank You
SMEADE chapter 29 . 5/19/2019
Thank you for this amazing story. Two young people met at a time when they both though life wasn’t worth living. They met on a dark bridge and made a promise to each other they would meet again in 6 years. They did finally get together and feel in love, married and had 4 lovely children. Anastasia and Christian Grey have loved each other since the bridge meeting 20 years ago. Great read.
SMEADE chapter 28 . 5/19/2019
Mia is finally dating a nice guy who will treat her with love and respect. Christian is okay with it so everything should be fine.
SMEADE chapter 27 . 5/19/2019
That was a cute chapter. Loving parents taking care of a shitty situation.
SMEADE chapter 26 . 5/19/2019
Yes, I’m happy how you played out Kate it was awkward but both Ana and Christian handled is with class. Ana made a promise to Christian about some fun and I’m sure they will have a good time in the playroom.
SMEADE chapter 25 . 5/19/2019
The Grey’s are going with a surrogate to add to their family. Hope all goes well and they are all happy.
SMEADE chapter 24 . 5/19/2019
I hope that jerk who tried to hit on Ana doesn’t cause any trouble. The Grey’s will be adding another child to their family hope it’s another boy. I know Mason is legally their child and will love him as much as their biological one but to have a biological child coming from you and your wife’s DNA is very special.
SMEADE chapter 23 . 5/19/2019
Ana and Christian are going to be parents and with that job comes one hell of work and responsibilities.
SMEADE chapter 22 . 5/19/2019
Christian Grey taking care of a baby, feeding and changing diapers loved reading it.
SMEADE chapter 21 . 5/19/2019
Enjoyed reading this chapter Ana’s POV. She’s really into experimenting with sex toys with Christian and as two consulting married adults I say go for it.
SMEADE chapter 20 . 5/19/2019
Ana’s first climax and it was Christian who gave it to her.
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