Reviews for Heliocentrism chapter 6 . 6/19/2019
i love how atsuko washes up in the toilet
AtUaH chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3VzVst0riI6
npVCk chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c37Alst0riQg
IqhUi chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c3nfist0ripY
Luckash chapter 22 . 7/4/2018
I spent the last... 4, maybe 5 days going through all the chapters for the second time. You seriously dig deep to correct the very deep plotholes that were left by the end of season 2.

I'll admit I was surprised when you had Orine obtaining Chiyuu's name instead of going the obvious route of having her getting Sachiko.

But honestly, you've gone to some lengths to picture every characters somehow right, despite giving some... obvious pointers to some pairings that are undevelopped, but still present. (Like, Mayuyu/Yukirin, Yuko/Takamina, Mikako/Tomoka (at the beginning)

Arashi Koga is probably the most interesting character of the antagonist group, along with Susumu Hashimoto. All the stuff he went through...

With that being said... when can we hope for the next chapter ?
PoetaOscura chapter 22 . 5/5/2018
Oh Dios mio, tienes que volver a escribir por favor, la historia esta geniaaaaaallll
AnimeQueen82 chapter 22 . 5/12/2017
Sorry, you may not care but I just wanted to say I am the guest that reviewed a few minutes ago ( only one that's me my account wasn't working ) and AKB0048FAN34 ( account wasn't working at the time )
Guest chapter 22 . 5/12/2017
I cried when I saw this was updated, I was worried it wasn't going to continue. Good to have you back, this chapter was really good, not only does it hype up the upcoming concert but it tells Arashi seriousness and fearlessness when it comes to the situation with Chieri and possible death. I wonder if him and Susumu will fight as her aim is also Chieri and what her father left behind.

I can't wait for what happens next and I hope you update soon and once again glad your back :)
SekRei chapter 1 . 5/8/2017
there is only one thing that bothers me about this story. And it's that Nagisa is Acchan the 14th so shouldn't you refer to Nagisa as Acchan
christquius chapter 22 . 5/2/2017
I love this story dearly, it is, quite truthfully, THE best akb0048 fanfic out there. It's been so long that I had thought this story abandoned and that you had lost interest and moved onto other things, and to open my email and see an update? it was honestly like it was my birthday, I was so happy and excited and reading this chapter i was not disappointed, your writing is wonderful and drags me in each time I go to read something by you. I've read and reread this story a lot since it's been posted, I adore it. akb0048 has such a small following now that it's almost impossible to find new content but this story never gets old, and I LOVE what you've been doing with Megumi and the introduction of new characters, it's brought new depth and life into the series, thank you for that.
Oldtime Scribe chapter 22 . 5/2/2017
Now that I'm back from vacation...

Yay! New Chapter!
Honestly, I was expecting the concert, so this was a bit of a shock, but after that passed it made perfect sense. Using Megu as viewpoint was a good way to highlight some of the strains in the 76th without getting too distracted from the main story. Masako seems like the kind of character that might be making her own sojourne one day; maybe meeting up with a certain piano artist we've seen. The complicated dynamics of Shangristar were played out well at dinner (and personally, I suspect the Empress might be a little more involved with things than she should be. Just a gut feeling).

The 'freedom ' were to be expected, considering how volatile a people we seem to be dealing with, and Arashi fits there well. The snatch and grab was well planned (hey, someone figured out that if you stop them from singing, they're just girls!), and the double cross was equally well done. Assuming Wellspring doesn't nuke the place, it looks as if #7 is about to kick the supports out from under the high seat his 'goddess' rests on. Which should be a good thing. If messy once the fecal matter hits the rotary impeller surface...

While I've been waiting to see how this concert went, this was probably the best way to get back into the swing of the narrative after such a long absence. The characters are still consistent with already established patterns, as is the narrative flow and the dialog. Here's hoping the interest remains and holds strong until the curtain on this tale finally falls at the proper end...
Oldtime Scribe chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
It's been almost a year. This is the official 'sending out the dogs'. Hopefully nothing has gone badly.

Any chance you're close to an update...?
remusjlupin321 chapter 21 . 5/17/2016
Great story update please Thank you
remusjlupin321 chapter 9 . 5/12/2016
Great story 1 Mayu is a robot and 2 Yuko last name is spelled Oshima
nitid.applegate chapter 21 . 4/29/2016
I'm probably hugely late to the AKB0048 party, but I had to stop in and tell you how much I love this fic. I found the anime extremely late, and was devastated that there wasn't any more. Which you know, huge bummer. So I go to fic right? But apparently it wasn't big enough in the US to have a lot of fic, and on and ao3 they're all one-shots or unfinished. And then you go ahead and write the third season I was craving. I blew through the whole thing in one night. It's so rich and you have every character down perfectly. Your OCs are just as rich and well-developed as the characters from the series, too.

I love how you've handled the main plotline. I really wanted to see AKB0048 go on a definitive offensive after the events of the second season. And even if they don't fight, going on a tour of the most heavily controlled DES planets is a tactical offensive. I love how it's not just concerts and practice, too. You're bringing in aspects of AKB culture that I hadn't even heard about before this fic. There's nothing I love more than a fic author who knows their shit, and god, do you know your shit.

Your worldbuilding is also exquisite. Every planet you've written is so lovingly and vividly described that I can really see it. it's beautiful. Every planet is distinct, keeping in the character of the show. I'm never confused about where we are. Good job. I also love how each planet has its own subplot, which fits seamlessly with the main plot, so we have a reason to stick around and look at things.

Competent 3D villain, leading a staff of competent tacticians. I'm so hooked. I always thought that for a bunch of non-combatants, AKB0048 was a little too good at outwitting the DES. And you've done a really good job of making things seem more feasible. Copious amounts of combat training and actually having them struggle really makes me believe the story. Also, you never waste time when you go into your villains' points of view. They're all 3D, all sympathetic. I can really feel how much you love this story.

You're doing a great job with the romance as well. I love how delicate it is, and how it's impossible to miss without taking up the whole spotlight. Don't get me wrong, I'd read 300k of Atsuko/Chieri and nothing else, but you've made it all the more compelling by putting in this incredibly well-crafted story. Also, you've stayed true to the constraints they'd be working under as idols, which I appreciate (industry: problematic. But I enjoy that you're not ignoring the way AKB functions in real life).

This is one of my new favorite fics. I'm reviving my 3-years-defunct account to follow it. Know that if you decide to finish it, I'll be eagerly reading and reviewing every chapter.
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