Reviews for Tarkin's Fist Episode III The Earth Strikes Back
Guest chapter 84 . 6/11
I wanted to post a review to let you know how much I enjoyed this story. The journey, challenges, and tragedies that all your characters went through have been pretty incredible throughout the whole story. As an advance warning this is going to be a long review.
For me Mallory is probably my favorite character, but president Harris goes through the most interesting journey and changed because of that.
The confederacy seems to be going down a dark path right now which is unfortunate, but seems like a fairly likely outcome considering what they went through. The confederacy kind of strikes me as being similar to a 1920s Soviet Union where Harris/Lennon are building a new system through brutal suppression while creating a cult of personality. One this I noticed was among the evil thins that the confederacy is doing you mentioned the suppression of minority groups on earth.
That brought me to the thought: on a unified earth what groups are minority groups? Because no race or nationality has an actual majority of the population they just have varied racial distribution which would only allow a group to become a plurality, which would probably be some group from Asia. I don’t remember how many people India lost to the empire so they seem like a likely candidate. Also it’s weird for the humans to focus their repression there instead of on the actual aliens that exist.
The 2nd empire became a republic and is expanding across the galaxy and offering its people more support and freedom. Disturbingly and interestingly, there seems to be a rising “stab in the back” myth that is propagating which is being papered over to a degree due to the economic boom the empire is experiencing. It is giving me some Weimar Germany 1920s vibes which make me nervous. If they get into economic trouble things could turn bad, especially if it seems like the clones of new mandalore are wealthy while that happens. It would really feed the “stab in the back” conspiracy if that happened.
The last really interesting thing is the possibilities that await the lost/hidden human colonies who may hold not just humanity’s last chance at goodness. All the ways their divergent stories could go are really interesting.
The 25th Dragon chapter 85 . 5/24
Well, it’s about time I got a review going. I feel bad enough reading all of this without having to pay for it, the least I can do is try to leave a review once in a while, right? And spoiler warning: this will probably be a long review since this will probably be the last chapter we see in a while? And besides, I need to pay up for all the chapters I left unreviewed. Anyway, I cannot express how much I love this trilogy you’ve written. It’s become one of, if not my absolute favorite story I’ve ever read, including popular published works. Whenever I find the rare friend that both loves Star Wars and fanfiction, I nearly immediately point them to this. Your story telling is amazing, and definitely something I look up to. If I ever write something as well as this, I’ll be incredibly pleased with myself. Moving on, I’ve been following this since before 2013 I think? I remember being excited when I saw the first chapter for the third story drop, so it was at least around then. One of the things I love is how well this story stands up to time. I mean, I go back and read some of my favorites from then and, uh, they don’t age well, let’s be honest. I suppose that’s to be expected, as I’ve been following those authors for years, or finding better ones. Where was I going with this- oh ya I’m definitely going to be going back and rereading all of this, because even the first book was fantastically well written, imo. Not to say you haven’t improved, but it’s just to say that they’ve aged well. Is that a compliment? I hope so. I get a little self conscious writing a review to someone who writes as well as you do, but I like to think reviews are nice. I’d certainly like reviews, especially if I wrote something over a million words long. (Wow) Anyhow, I really did love everything about these stories, and I hope you’ll treat us to more in the future. If I had to pick a favorite character, it’d probably be Roblin. I was enamored with him from the start. I mean, the other characters where great, and I’ll always love the clones and them getting some justice, but Roblin was just a favorite for me. I think my favorite part overall about the story was something I mentioned before: the overall shift of the Empire into something more democratic and less totalitarian, while the Earth went in the opposite direction. Watching Harris slowly transition into being the ‘strong leader who makes the hard decisions for the best of the whole’ was magnificent.

Well, I think that’s enough gushing, right? Tl,dr: favorite story, gib moar. Thank you very much for all of the hard work you put into this. I hope you’re staying healthy and safe with all of this weirdness floatin around, and I hope you’ll give us a sequel to this fantastic universe you’ve weaved for us. May the potassium be with you, always.
PaladinDelta chapter 85 . 5/8
Wow. Just, wow. (Apologises for the ultra late review)

Without doubt these epilogues had some of the best twists, turns and surprises out of the whole saga. To be honest I wasn't expecting to see Phasma and Roblin to finally get together in the end. She obviously had a crush on the guy throughout the trilogy and expected it to fade but they do make a great the couple. Their wedding really was quite the show. I laughed at the part Mallory and Tenel busting out the moves to the stunned wedding crowd and Phasma not wanting to be upstaged XD

The Earthling part of you can't help but respect the surge and recovery of the Empire following the looming depression. How things have flipped between the Empire and the Confederacy with the sides practically swapping over who freedom and democracy with tyrannical dictatorship from the start of the story to the end. Cygnus X is an interesting world to set up as their new capital. And the fully built Ares exiting hyperspace in front of the Confederacy's own slowly forming space fleet was one heck of a way of flexing to their enemy. It showed no matter Earth's efforts, they are way off in catching up.

It's pleasing to see Jason and Ashla have a real family unit. Can only imagine the omitted parts B'asia has been told by her parents how they met XD Jason really has had a case of torn loyalties. He was basically given a post and goals that were meaningless, doing everything he can to smooth relations between Earth and the Empire but it was purposely being ignored. The irony of his journey in TF is his desire to return back to Earth but he ended making a life and home in the Empire. To hell with the consequences, the man deserves to be his wife(?) and daughter.

I liked the ending as well for SF 4738 and his stormtrooper buddies. Despite being Imperials, they're another bunch who deserved a good ending. So it appears the Empire will be having a Mynockman soon? Niobe's death caught me by surprise and poor Gage having losing his mother in such a way.

That ending was a real cool twist. After all, it is an unsolved mystery in star wars where humans really originated from ;) It's kind of a sad thought though those poor kids will be growing up as slaves to the Rakata of all things.

I've said it many times before and I'll repeat it one last time; this was one damn fine story and thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through. As for a sequel, that would be awesome but only do one if you really want to do it, don't feel like you have to. You've more than earned in letting that writing brain of yours have a good rest.

Good luck to you in the future, Ash :)
kalani.gapido chapter 32 . 3/15
We ready for that new story while we all in Coronavirus Quarantine. We gonna need something to read lol
Divine Protector of Skyrim chapter 85 . 3/12
I was kinda apprehensive through some of the first story and parts of the second. But after pressing on, and reading the third, I’ve really come to enjoy it. Do you have plans or ideas on continuing in this verse at any point in the future? Or is this all finished and you’re on to other things?
Blue Diamunds chapter 85 . 3/7
Oh how I love happy endings!
Blue Diamunds chapter 84 . 3/7
Really great.
General Lemarc chapter 84 . 2/10
Yes. A million times yes. A sequel to this would be like a whole nother trilogy unto itself.
General Lemarc chapter 83 . 2/7
Wait, what?! I'm in this! Holy Whoa! I'm...I'm kinda speechless.
DarkTardis chapter 84 . 2/6
I am currently sick so I'll make this short.

My family of 7 and I all love this story. Jeff, John, Bob, Katie, Mom, Dad, and myself all enjoyed this and hope that you'll do a sequel.
Wonderful work, have a great night.
Guest chapter 82 . 1/19
The empress should just round up all the Christians and have them publicly executed lol
AshlaTi chapter 85 . 1/12
Thank you Kiwi and all you kind reviewers and readers
KiwiSpaceMarine chapter 85 . 1/9
Here are my final thoughts on this story:

I discovered Tarkin's Fist in 2017, and while I have only been reviewing the latest chapters, since I discovered it, I have been gleefully anticipating each update. Why? Because this story has a tangible sense of realism that other fanfics on this site don't have. The author has crafted each character so that, while you may not agree with them, you can at least see where they're coming from in terms of worldview. Its not just the characters, but the scenario. While other fanfics in this vein of 'Star Wars invades Earth' tend to either have Earth somehow holding back the entire empire by itself, or have Earth Base Delta Zeroed out of existance, the author has taken care to make the story's premise possible.

I.e., A fleet of Star Destroyers finds itself lost in the Milky Way Galaxy, and specifically, our Solar System. With no way to reach home they decide to set up their own civilisation. Unfortunately, they decide that Earth may be a threat to them in their current state and attack on a pretext. As this is just one fleet, it means that they don't have an entire galaxies eorth of resources to call on, and while Earth does suffer major losses, the limited number of Imperials means that we have a chance to fight back.

One thing that this story has done well, thanks to the author, is making me sympathise with Earth and her citizens, while really making me hate the Empire and the sheer arrogance and contempt they have for Earth. While characters such as SF-4378 and Commander Roblin are relatable, others such as Eritech and Yutu really make my blood boil. And that makes it the more satisfying when the Earth is able to one-up the Empire, even if its just a small thing.

The Earth-Empire war contains a lot of parallels to historical conflicts on Earth, the main inspirations being, in my opinion anyway, World War One and Vietnam. Several characters, both major and minor, note the parallels to World War One's trench warfare and the Battle of Las Vegas, which also takes place in trenches. In one of the prologues of this story, a fighter pilot believes that the Air Force's reliance of hand signals due to Imperial jamming makes them seem like a World War One flying circus. Finally, when the war is over, the Empire enters a Great Depression-esque situation due to the economy being so geared towards the war effort that it collapses during peace time.

The parallels to Vietnam are not as prevalent, mainly being the Stormtroopers PTSD from their experince on Earth (which also ties into WWI), and a technologically inferior civilisation being able to beat, or in this case fight to a stalemate, a vastly superior foe.

There's so much more I could cover, but if you haven't already, (and if you haven't why are you here?) just read the story and find out for yourself.

To the author, AshlaTi, I say thank you. Thank you for this epic tale of war, peace, love, betrayal, hope, loss, starships, politics and most importantly, Star Wars.


carick of hunter moon chapter 85 . 1/8
been reading this over the last few week from start to finish all told it very well written well thought out and has a story ark that works for many different point of view to come together into one over all story that is well thought out even in the last few chapter plant future story seeds so thank you for your hard work and for posting this story that was a joy to read
Servox312 chapter 85 . 1/8
And now we have reached the end of our journey.

A real shame what happened to Dusel and the others, but I doubt their rebellion would have gained support and just be seen as a bunch of terrorists by the general public in the Empire. And you managed to tie up the loose end concerning the 5000 babies that vanished. Does this mean that the babies that were returned to Earth are able to use the Force? If so, Phasma may have given the Terrans an advantage without realizing it. And what about the third colony ship that was launched from Earth?

Still, this is a great story and i hope your next one is just as good as this.

Take care and may the Force be with you!
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