Reviews for Ask Me No Questions
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Well done.
Addicted1 chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
"mutual loathing and grudging respect" - FTW. Excellent.

"Or better yet, just punch him in the face"-YES. Do it, Regina. Just do it.

" . . . he can still twist he knife . . ." yes to this. I gasped at the T.V. when he said this line. The sheer gall of it. (BTW, I'm trying not to retype more lines from your story-it would just be your story with me writing 'YES' after every line, which is just awkward.)

And oh my gosh, the parallelism in this story is just perfect.

It's interesting, but I think the writers ship with you, because Gold being hurt by Regina's "Of Belle? I think not," line is the best explanation for his hurtful response.

I knew I could count on you for a great GQ piece for this episode-thank you! And well done (as always!).
Invitado chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Muy bueno me pregunto que hubiera pasado si el no hubiera resistido el impulso.
Metope chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Me gustaria que hagas un fic en el que digas como decidieron seguir con la aventura y otro en el que hagas que hubiera pasado si ella hubiera dicho que si,muy bueno.
wolfenqueenyuri chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
*clutches heart over Rumple's imaginings, particularly that last one* My ridiculous IDIOTS.

Beautiful work as always, although I think some fluff therapy is once again in order. I'll try to get on that later.
Myfairwendybird chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
OMG can't we just kill belle ?! Lmao I want them together! Lol great job on this one xo
Twyla Mercedes chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Hmmm, sounds like if there were no Belle, Rumple would be glad to give Regina another tumble (and she'd let him). Nice job as always. thx txm