Reviews for Puella Death reviews
AkemiTheSunbro chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
Okay, so I'm doing the A/V guy at my church currently, and was not expecting the Madoka succubus. I was laughing so hard that I almost missed some of the visual cues for the band's music.

I swear my worship leader was about to shoot eye daggers at me. XD
Micatfish chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Love this! So funny - especially about Sayaka being Kyoko's pet (and uke) in some timelines xD And Homura reseting time due to getting friend-zoned killed me lol XD
ultimate mayhem chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
I loved it. It's one of the funniest things I've ever read and I gotta say I'd like to see something done with that thing of Madoka and Sayaka else getting corrupted after Walpurgisnacht. It seems interesting
TerriblePersonExtraordinaire chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
I would like to see more. Just...yeah, more. It's fairly funny with how morbid it is, but I did have a few issues with a couple of typos and misplaces commas here and there. Other than that, it was really nice!
amado15 chapter 1 . 12/12/2013
its good, some good natured pot shots at certain possiblities and realities.
alleluiamagiatsuioku chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
Pushed onto oncoming traffic...
Killed by her mum...
Became a lesbian and started going out...
Bit off, chewed off, slashed off etc...
It's never until I read this fanfic when I realised how revealing Madokami's dress was!
Anyway, very funny and made me die a few times.
In each timeline...
FaustAlexander chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
Quite morbid story but I liked it, had a lot of fun watching the tendencies like with Mami's head, heheh.

Also wish I had seen more about the corrupted Madoka, XD