Reviews for Careless Hearts
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 18 . 9/16
This is the for cheating I have ever read.

Girl cheats, girl runs away, victim chases her with her accomplish, cheater request time apart when victim wants to work it out.

Absolute disgusting how this story went, I feel sorry for any person, man or women who is as weak as this Edward. Still having both people who stabbed you in the back in your life. Forgiving them both as well.i feel story for you..
Guest chapter 18 . 12/21/2017
This was absolute bs. Bella and Garrett were big time cheaters no matter the bs excuses each gave to Edward. Neither of them deserve Edward. In the real world cheating doesn't end like this. This Bella was so dependent on others namely Edward and Garrett in order to live? Doesn't make any sense going from that to all of a sudden seeing the light after messing around with Garrett and realizing that she needs to do some soul searching. If all people did was apologize for their reason for cheating the world would be an even worse place to live.

I tried to finish this but I just couldn't. Either way thank you for sharing.
irelandk chapter 18 . 7/25/2017
sherryola chapter 18 . 7/3/2016
I'm glad Edward got the happy ending he wanted. Very nice.
sherryola chapter 15 . 7/3/2016
I wonder what kind of advice Laurent gave her. Wish you'd tell us that. And she's going to see Edward but she brought Laurent with her. Maybe they are just friends, but what would she expect Edward to think. she doesn't really have any right to be upset if Edward brought someone, since she brought someone. Maybe e is in love wsith someone new. that would be so good.
sherryola chapter 13 . 7/3/2016
Oh of course she's still buddies with Garret. Two cheaters together. sigh. i'm glad she got her degree. I'm sad seeing Edward so miserable. He needs to move on. How could he ever trust her again?
sherryola chapter 11 . 7/3/2016
They could get couples' counseling. I agree she needs to work on herself. If she'd had more trust in herself and in Edward, she wouldn't have so quickly believed he had abandoned her. She was blaming him again here, even after knowing the truth. But they could work on things together. Except, oh yeah, I want Edward to move on from her, to find someone who will love him and believe in him and not cheat and break his heart.
sherryola chapter 10 . 7/3/2016
His actions made her cheat? That is the oldest excuse int eh books. All cheaters say that. And of course, garret is your creation, so you like him. But I have to disagree that he's genuine. He's a cheater, he's not trustworthy. He screwed his supposed best friend's girl. That's not genuine' that's lowlife rotten disloyal, cruel, and any other negative I can think of. But, you know, this Bella and this Garret deserve each other. How dare she blame E for her behavior? There's only two people to blame in a cheating thing, the two who are cheating.
sherryola chapter 9 . 7/3/2016
oh, Garret has the nerve to sneer at Edward, when E overhears b say she loves Garret. and he just conveniently forgot to tell B that E is there too. Man, he is a lowdown snake. I would never trust him. and Bella, she wants to talk to Garret first? The one she wronged is Edward, and he deserved to hear her words first. i'm so ashamed of her.
sherryola chapter 8 . 7/3/2016
Now, I do like Bella's thoughts, the ones about learning about herself, learning to stand on her own, taking care of herself. It's something everyone needs to learn. I'm sorry she's run into the boys this soon. I still don't forgive her or garret, but if she's trying to grow it's a really good thing.
sherryola chapter 6 . 7/3/2016
Really, he's going to mend his relationship with Garret? And Bella misses both of them? they are really all screwed up, aren't they? lol. of all things int he world, I could never forgive a friend for doing what Garret did. I count loyalty and trust as two of the most valuable things in the world, and Garret and Bella were disloyala nd certainly not trustworthy.
sherryola chapter 5 . 7/3/2016
Oh please. Garret relieves his guilt by sharing the details with the man he wronged so terribly. Golly gee, my buddy may be missing in action, so I'm just gonna cheat with his girl to comfort her. Edward should beat the crap out of him, and I usually don't like violence of any kind to solve a problem. I would never take a friend's man, ever. Garret is a sick jerk to share all that with Edward. I hope Edward finds a friend who will be loyal and a girl he can trust,a nd that neither is Garret or Bella.
sherryola chapter 3 . 7/3/2016
wow, are we supposed to feel sorry bor either Bella or Garret? I certainly don't. Screw them both. They cheated with each other and now they're all sad and sorry for themselves. too damn bad. That's what happens.
2loveybunnies chapter 6 . 4/13/2016
So besides feeling better about Bella and Edward hopefully finding each other, I spent an hour on the Knott's Berry Farm website looking for Boysenberry syrup - and ended up buying a whole load of pancake and biscuit mixes, in addition to Boysenberry jam and syrup! I fear it's not safe to read this story without a full stomach!
2loveybunnies chapter 5 . 4/12/2016
Oh Lord, I don't know if I could have forgiven as easily as Edward has, but then again I've never been in this position. I think circumstances and alcohol clouded Bella's judgement and she is feeling so guilty and unworthy that she ran away, but does she really feel like she's the only one at fault here? And poor Garrett, he just fell in love and tried to take a chance...he really thought something happened and Edward might not be coming back. It's really a horrible situation for all of them...
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