Reviews for Winter Is Coming
drmg chapter 1 . 4/8/2019

Every year I re-read all the fics in the Beth series like 2 or 3 times, and as I was reading this one again, I thought about the possibility of getting another story, one more sequel maybe? This series is so intriguing and well written that I can't help asking for more.

So, is there a chance of you written it again? I just need some more Kate and Beth - and Bran and Sansa of course, in my life!

Alanna Hrncir chapter 1 . 2/12/2014
OMG! So Happy to finally read another Beth continuation! Thank you soo much! It was really cute, and a really good read! 3 Love everything about it, from the reactions to Beth's baby, to the reactions of Kate's baby, to Alexis's story, and the bathing scene! XD So cute! And it made me laugh when you put in about the "blackmail material" so perfect. Meg and I would say the same thing about her nephew's bath times. XD Only thing I'm sorry about is how Alexis told that story and how sad she got and either Beth or Kate weren't around to cheer her up, but thats not being realistic when Kate was as exhausted as she was, and Beth is somewhere else. But what an amazing story. Thank you for your works! 3
Virginia189 chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
I'm sorry I didn't review after my first excited reading when posted, but rather now, after one of my other many re-reads of this ohso lovely piece you've both written. Thank you so much for writing more in the Beth 'verse and sharing with us! I just love how you've crafted the characters and their development across these stories. What a simple and yet complex change you've made by giving Kate a sister. And thanks for exploring how their family is shaped further by the addition of two (!) adorable babies here. Honestly, I swoon through your tale each time, it's so well written! So here's a final gushing: thanks.
Cinster52 chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
Thanks you for this series. I've enjoyed these stories with Beth, Alex and the babies are wonderful additions. Will you be adding more stories?

Thank you again.

Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
You named a kid Bran? That's cow feed.
Docvap chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
This was such a joy to read! The Beth universe is one of my favorites and this one was quite a treat!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
Oh how I absolutely LOVE the Beth-verse! I would definitely not mind if both of you decided to do some more multi-chapter Beth stories. I can't get enough. Please consider writing more of this WONDERFUL tale.
1822andallthat chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Awww - Beth-verse. It's been forever. What a wonderful surprise; it was like running into some old friends unexpectedly. Thank you for letting us in into glimpses of their lives.

LoL - seriously, Sansa and Bran? That's kinda trauma-inducing! Thank goodness their fathers are bestselling writers and will be able to pay for the years of therapy. ;)

PS : Pssss, tell Castle and Beckett the little plastic reclining seats make the whole bath experience a lot less harrassing and stressful.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome story. Reading it felt like Christmas and my birthday all in one. Uh - hang on. No, that's you. :)
cia-recruit chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
Had never read any of this series of your before, but when I got the notification I figured I should check it out. All 4 stories well very well written and fully developed with lots of great moments between the characters. I was hooked from the beginning...even skipping some of my shows to get further in the series. Looking forward to any more of the Beth universe and whatever else you come up with next.
Amybf19 chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
Awwwwww love this AU family! Love Beth and Alex!
Sarah Jayne216 chapter 1 . 12/3/2013
You two made my Christmas writing this :) I loved going back into this little happy world.

My only criticism? The baby names! Lol! I'm NOT a fan of GoT ;)

Other than that - amazing job!
ebfiddler chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
I liked this visit to the Beth-verse, and you two got so many of the baby-related details spot-on. The things you don't quite know yet as a first time mother, the nesting, little details like how slippery wet babies are in the bathtub, and many other details. The Game of Thrones stuff didn't really resonate with me, as I haven't read the books or watched the show, so the first part of this fic was a bit of a slog, but the second part made it worth sticking with it. Bran is a fine name, but I associate it with Fionn Mac Cumhaill's dog. Guess I'm just weird that way. :-). Also, 12,000 words is a lot to read in a single sitting, and I would have liked to read this broken into 2 or 3 chapters.
FragmentedSandwiches chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
Soooo sweet! I had been hoping to read about when they found out she was pregnant but this was wonderful.
DetectiveBen chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Beautiful story! a caskett baby. ooh and Kate has a sister. so well done.
I'm Widget chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Beautiful. Took me a while to read it, because I kept getting interrupted... but finally, I finished. Hope there will be more!
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