Reviews for The Mermaid of Panem
katha4 chapter 42 . 9/2
Absolutly loved it! Thank you
ShopacholicRed chapter 42 . 9/2
That ending! They made love and Finnick saying “so that’s what it’s like” was so beautiful. He finally learned what it was to be with someone he loved and not a client
Koken1me chapter 41 . 9/1
This chapter was one of the best! I love the juxtaposition of their good day with the terrible day. I also love the visual of her out there in the storm. I was having the worst day yesterday and it was totally brightened by you releasing this chapter! Now to wait for the last chapter! Thank you for writing!
ShopacholicRed chapter 41 . 9/1
Poor Anwyn! I’m really excited though to see how you will continue this into the sequels, especially touch on the subject of prostitution that really was such an important part of Snows evil but because of it being a YA book not much could be described.
Koken1me chapter 40 . 8/26
Oh my God, perfection! I love it! It's heart wrenching but I am on pins and needles waiting to find out how their love will save her.
Koken1me chapter 39 . 8/23
Love the obvious nod to "where soul meets body",good stuff! So glad you're writing again, it's an amazing story!
xenocanaan chapter 38 . 8/8
Wonderful chapter! I can’t wait to read more!
LibbyLu345 chapter 37 . 8/6
Does my humanity scare them - that was the best line ever! You have a talent with writing and it's going to be fun getting back into this story and my love for the Hunger Games. I get when you say that Mockingjay really ruined it for you. The book was rushed and just left us all mad because Prim and Finnick were useless deaths that served no purpose. I do however love that your Annie is so strong. Usually fics show her weak and shy, but this girl is a QUEEN in your story.
Guest chapter 36 . 8/2
That last line was on point. I read this story in one sitting and I’m in love with Annie and Finnick!
Zellaodair chapter 36 . 7/31
This story is beyond words and you now have a new major fan in me. Finally a story where Annie isn’t going all crazy thanks
Fall Equinox chapter 36 . 8/1
OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. YOU ARE BACK! It feels like it's been a million years since you've written the mermaid of panem and i'm beyond thrilled for this to be happening. This was my fav Odesta story ever. Can't wait 4 more!
utahikarasu chapter 36 . 7/30
I was just thinking about this fic the other day! Lo & behold your surprise update in my email alert! I love your interpretation of Annie :) Great continuation to your story! Nice to see an update from you after all this time! I like to think all my favourite fanfics of hunger games make up the whole background of the series. It really fleshes out the characters you don't see enough about. Thanks for the update! Take care!
ShopacholicRed chapter 36 . 7/30
Omg you’re back! This chapter was the best comeback you could have. Poor Annie is about to have more coming her way isn’t she? I like that you decided not to kill Finnick, although I think you changed that because you had mentioned he was gonna die before. But I’m happy to know he lives YESSSSS
Guest chapter 30 . 6/30
I did not ask for this PAIN—

Yes I cried when Kas went. Y’all know I do love me a good protective older brother-little sister trope. Let me just go wallow in a wholesome AU for a few hours I’ll be back hang on.
Guest chapter 27 . 6/30
This is so saaaad, ugh
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