Reviews for head in the clouds
ToxicatedRose chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Funnily enough I found you while sifting through Hunger Games fanfiction authors nonchalantly, as I do at night, but when I found this random person I stumbled across wrote a *CLOUD ATLAS* fanfiction I froze. I adore Cloud Atlas, it is one of my favourite novels and I thought the film was absolutely beautiful and perfect too.

When I read I wasn't disappointed; you caught the spiritual, gloomy nature of Cloud Atlas that I loved so much. You caught that ever pervading sense of hope. You caught that deep beauty that lay between the words of the novel and stills of the film. You captured and portrayed Frobisher wonderfully.

Basically, thank you very, very much
Rafiella chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
I loved this, thank You for writing a posting it. I wish there were more fluffy and sweet stories like this about these two... :)
My tears hurt me chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
This is beautiful, one of my fave ships ever. Well done'