Reviews for Tommy
Maps Maps Maps chapter 24 . 6/20
This story was... intense. I had to take breaks at some parts but still came back every time to finish it. I loved this version of Edward and Bella. He was so broken and stubborn. Bella was a mess. I was so happy to see them find each other again, Edward making everything right again (although I don’t think that he was at fault). Only to find this story not finishedPlease let us see Bella free from her demons and happy, worthy. Thank you for sharing, have a nice day!
EdwardandAliceLover9 chapter 24 . 3/26/2019
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story!
ciera.richez chapter 22 . 2/24/2018
I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard through the grapevine that you actually finished this story. Why haven't you posted the last chapter and the epilogue if you've finished it? I love this story, and I can't speak for others, but I would love to see how it ends. I understand that real life can - and often does - get in the way, but come's been 4 years.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/23/2018
Please finish the story.
It hurts not to know the ending to an amazing story!
ciera.richez chapter 23 . 12/8/2017
Still here...still waiting for the final chapter(s) of this story! Hope it happens, cause I'd love to read it!
Corr5092 chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
will this ever be updated?
justginger chapter 24 . 6/27/2017
oh my word - I've just finished reading this - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FINISH THIS STORY! It is incredible and amazing! Please finish it!
pudget12 chapter 24 . 4/15/2017
Please give us the last few chapters! I just need them to be as healed and whole as they will ever be.

ciera.richez chapter 24 . 2/6/2017
I love this story, and I've been waiting a LONG time for it to be completed. Is that ever gonna happen?
Guest chapter 18 . 1/22/2017
This story is special to me. Reminds me of my best friend and sister in every thing but blood. Lost her to a freak accident an year before. She was sunshine and laughter. She was such a tomboy. This is a good work. Thank you
Lotus Wright chapter 23 . 8/20/2016
How incredibly tragic that this amazing story ends with the a/n "one more chapter and an epilogue". I hope one day you'll revisit it and finish this. It's one of my all time favorites.
(ALso I'm reviewing this chapter b/c apparently I already reviewed the final chapter on my first read of this story, heh)
rimalem chapter 24 . 7/11/2016
second time through but still no epilogueloved this tho. not many stories made me cry but this one did! will always be remain one of my favourites, always
NinaCordova chapter 24 . 6/17/2016
Just here, re-reading this amazing story . Still NO update but that's ok ... I still have hope, maybe one day
marilynnellsworth chapter 24 . 4/26/2016
I want the epilogue! I want the finish, the complete. Plaease
apturtle82 chapter 24 . 3/29/2016
It's not often that I write a review. I can honestly say this story has brought me to tears. The way you write makes me feel as if i personally am the characters myself, as if this is happening to me. I truly believe this should be published, but not before the last chapter and epilogue *wink /hint* with a please and thank you of course.
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