Reviews for A Long Journey Home
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23
Come back!
Deathchill chapter 1 . 7/15
This the 5th time I've read this beautiful tale and still love it and I truly hope you come back to it someday.

May magic guide you and good fortune and health be with you.
gunda.leine chapter 14 . 7/11
The story really moved me, even made me cry... It was intricate, well written and engaging.
SS5 Connor chapter 14 . 7/4
Masterful. I hope someday you will finish it.
Subs chapter 14 . 6/26
I'm praying that you finish this story it is so very good.
automaton14 chapter 14 . 6/20
hey, not everyone actually wants kids. lots of people don't want kids, ever. that said, this is an excellent story and I'm glad I've read it. thank you.
UsereName chapter 13 . 6/18
I've read this fic three times, and every time I am blown away by the sheer length, language, world building, and character dynamics the story offers. Merlin's arc always makes me feel so sad, Jasmine's present life brings new hope, and the Rahn and Ayati makes me wish for so much more of it. Hope you're taking care author!
hobbes319 chapter 10 . 6/18
i’m honestly surprised luna didn’t instantly figure it out
wearethewitches chapter 14 . 6/7
epic, EPIC fic!
PurpleTunaFish chapter 14 . 5/25
whoa. this is genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read. thank you so much for writing! I really love the idea of Jasmine being sent back in time and the only way back being to live through it all, it's really amazing. and I love Jasmine so much! it's really interesting how everything she's gone through has changed her, and how she's stayed the same (the polishing thing!). also love how she's mostly shown through other people's perspectives, and how they all view her - outsider perspectives and what they can and can't show are great. and then the format of the arcs showing the past, and then the modern day bits and her trying to deal with the old life she doesn't fit any more - it just works really well to show different sides of who she is. the different sides and their differences and similarities are great as well - how she's Jasmine, Wadjet, Mallika, Muirgen, Holly the hairdresser, Miss West, May, Lily Fakhrani, and thousands of years of so many other people as well, while still being herself.
and all the rest of the characters! I just love all of them. Ron (he gave Merlin the shovel speech!) and Hermione not entirely sure what to do or how to deal with it, but loving (I mean that platonicly, although I was kinda hoping the threesome Jasmine proposed would go ahead...) Jasmine anyway (they're still friends even after everything and I love it so much), the rest of the Weasleys and their support and different reactions, Luna being Luna and her not completely incorrect decision that Jasmine's a vampire, Geoffrey and Miranda ("because it drives her batty and I can get away with it" hahahahaha), Nicholas Flamel and how he is here compared to what we hear about him in canon, Dumbledore's meddling and hero-worship (absolutely loved her trolling him, that was amazing), Myrddin and his brilliance and ambition (but that whole arc was just pain because I'd be enjoying the story and then remember it was all going to go horribly wrong, Camelot and the dream of magical/muggle cooperation is going to fall, they'll all die and Jasmine will be alone again and aaaaaaah), and now I'm attached to Rahn, Rahji and Ayati (seriously I love them) as well but *that's* going to go wrong too! (this is not stopping me from being very interested in how exactly it's going to go wrong, however.)
very curious about what's going on with Jasmine's immortality, and what's up with the phoenixes, since they've kind of adopted her or something. so when she dies she bursts into flames and gets born again, sort of, but she doesn't age and get reborn as a baby like the phoenixes do? also guessing that her animagus form would be a phoenix, with how reluctant she was to talk about it. and also when she talks to Nick she says she's expecting to still be immortal after closing the loop, and it seemed like she wanted to age and die with her friends, and she's always wanted to not have to keep saying goodbye, but then in the first chapter she says she's now growing old, and seems angry about it - so what changed? how does she know she is aging? (I love all the questions this gives me.)
again: definitely one of the best fics ever, seriously. hope you're ok and not dead, and thank you again!
Antaros chapter 14 . 4/25
Years later I saw your story mentioned by another author and it inspired me to go back and read it...again. For probably the third or fourth time. It still stands as one of the very best Harry Potter stories I've read. I lament that it doesn't appear that it'll be completed, but what is here is still immense and great.

To this day, even after repeat readings, the chapters steal my attention and evoke my emotion. More than once I found myself caught up in flow and feeling of the story, often time with tears in my eyes; both the happy and sad. Know what will happen when reading the earlier chapters does nothing to diminish what I know is coming, often times it empowers that's to come.

I admit a preference for the chapters that follow the modern Jasmine, but her story with Myrddin stands a very close second. There's something compelling about the idea of someone you knew and someone you know being the same person, yet separated by millennia. In what ways have they changed? In what ways have they stayed the same? How have they dealt with the passing of time, where a normal lifetime is but a blip in the grand scheme of their lifetime?

I hope someday you come back to tell us more of Jasmine's story, but whether you do or don't I'll still check in from time to time and probably read it again :)

Thank you once again for a great story!
goldenphoenixxx chapter 1 . 4/17
i have read this story so many times and it never gets old! the plot is interesting without overwhelming the reader and i love what you did with femharry’s character... there are too many stories that didn’t change anything when changing harry to a female! i also love how you didn’t write too much drama (especially romantic drama)! hope you update this! (ps. sorry if my grammar sucks, english isn’t my native language... i understand english almost perfectly but i overthink everything when i’m writing english)
Achilles chapter 14 . 4/9
U R Awsome

this fic is layered and compley in its execution and non linear storytelling the charecter is smart and resaonabke in her actions wanting closeness but letting thise she cares for that she is different after all four thousand years will change anyone in unimagionable ways the backround story of why she will not age its only hitneted at making it not a continous in your face drawn out thing but just as of yet unexplained phenomena. is sh a pheonex? and what was the reason for her jouny in the firtst place lol hope you continue obvyously but as is its a great story lastly the mentored men are so well done in thier charecteization i love it thank you for entertaining me during this quarentine ,thanks and good luck in everything
Guest chapter 14 . 4/7
Can you please update
evymel chapter 14 . 4/6
what will i do with my life now i wonder...

amazing story! good read.
i love the creativity when you are creating the lore on how the spells are intertwined in the creation its amazing!
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