Reviews for Mr & Mrs Hatake
markelus chapter 19 . 1/5/2018
sorry beacause I am not going to asked some reviouse
but pls can you continue this pls
YandarellaKiuha chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
Kisama! Scoundrel! It's 2017 already! Where's your update?! I demand an update on your wonderful story! I need an update! . ! I IMPLORE YOU! C'mon! Do something about it!
Guest chapter 19 . 4/22/2017
Omg awesome!
SexiiFoxii chapter 19 . 1/31/2016
I hope you will update soon. This is one of my most favourite fanfic ever and I wanna know what will happen next.
Sleeping4Days chapter 19 . 1/30/2016
Thank you for your time. Anything you have to do to be comfortable.
Neliel Tu Oderschvank Espada 3 chapter 18 . 1/12/2016
more please its good
CharitinaX chapter 3 . 12/16/2015
Wait. What the flipping fuck. "I love you, but I've been trying to hunt you down with hitmen for months now"? Try to keep some consistency at least, author-chan.
CharitinaX chapter 2 . 12/16/2015
Okay, first of all. "She shot her in the head-not where you'd kill her but where it'd make her forget"?!

What kind of mystical part of the brain is that? Have you ever taken biology in your life, Diya-chan? Because even if you haven't, I'm sure that you and I will agree that Hippocrates himself is probably turning over in his grave at this bullshit.

And in case you actually didn't know (that getting shot in the head has like a 99% fatality rate). The chances of a person surviving a purposeful gunshot directly to the head are close to none. Brain function tends to come to a stop in the human body when there's a HOLE in your fucking head, especially since it didn't seem like EMTs or police were being called to save the innocent victim.

If you truly wanted to make AU!Fem!Naruto seem like a somewhat benevolent person, you could have just had her use a tranquilizer gun or something equally non-lethal. OR, If you truly wanted to cause a person to forget, you may have had a better chance with letting Naruto purposefully cause a concussion...but shooting a person in the head to make them forget is literally kind of like shooting someone in the heart to stop heartbreak.

So, in other words: NO.

Plus, let's not forget that she'll already be hunted down by every police force in the country for causing "inhumane and unjust torture" to her attackers, which is definitely not allowed-even in countries, which allow the carrying of firearms and self-defense through firearms.

And this isn't even the only plothole in this story! I originally loved the idea when you first introduced it in the first chapter, but right now there's just literally no characterization whatsoever! We (the readers) have basically just been thrown a shitload of history (like the entire Sasuke/Sakura disaster crap) with nothing else to tell us how we're supposed to feel about this. Because, 1. Even assholes don't just decide, out of the blue, to divorce and start a family with someone else and 2. Naruto's apparently fucking gorgeous and lucky as hell, which makes this even less likely.

Fix your plotholes, bad characterization, and complete and utter lack of an introduction and I might actually consider re-reading this.
SexiiFoxii chapter 18 . 5/26/2015
Omgg I LOVED IT! when the hell are ya gonna update it's been more than a MONTH!
Jenny chapter 18 . 4/12/2015
Yeah thanks for telling us that u're going to update again and I'll try that other story u mentioned.
polly chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
I can already see this is going to be a very good story and I love this chap. I will defenely read futher.
unknownher chapter 18 . 4/10/2015
I love this so much :3
Ducki9 chapter 18 . 4/8/2015
I love the story :D so I don't think the story is so bad that it needs to be rewritten. But it's your story if you think you want to improve and rewrite it, it's up to you.
I don't mind whether it gets rewritten or not as long as I still get to read the story ;)
Guest chapter 18 . 4/8/2015
Finish from where it is
Lady Michiko chapter 18 . 4/8/2015
You van just rewrite it if ur not satisfied with this diya-chan, but juts so u know i love your stories :)
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