Reviews for Another World: Highschool DxD Edition
Borello chapter 2 . 12/5/2018
the story sounds interesting.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/23/2017
This story is super old but I can't help but want to point out the simply, glaringly obvious fact that sirzechs asked Naruto to join because Rias' will be attending a human school soon so if Naruto left instantly why are they all in third year and already established as the student council etc. Assuming they all didn't just start in the third year, why would he wait two years to ask Naruto to go? Or why would they join in the final year anyway otherwise?
Poe chapter 2 . 3/30/2017
Have the rook be a dragon
Guest chapter 2 . 1/6/2017
Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update Plz Update
Guest chapter 2 . 4/15/2015
Nibi no nekomata/Matatabi Namikaze? Can be in her peerage?
Guest chapter 2 . 2/25/2015
Ranmaleopard chapter 2 . 12/9/2014
This is awesome and if you're going to add Padme why not add a female Revan. Please continue!
Greenicedragon1789 chapter 2 . 9/29/2014
Good story so far.
I think you should add Hinata as a Pawn and her Familiar be a Unicorn.
add a (half)Lamia(Mother Lamia Father Human) as a Pawn and have Scared Gears Night Reflection and Twice Critical and the Familiar Nine-Headed Hydra.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
just add Great Red, its not like it will make much Difference in the long run as Naruto himself is OP as all fuck and could curb stomp anything anyway
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
who cares if its over powered, add Great Red and Ophis (it would be worth it just to see everyone else shit themselves)..

your really gonna waste a piece that can take anything no matter how powerful and waste it on either Raynare, Kalawamer or Ravel?

Miya - Knight - Former Species Sekirie - Sekirie
Akame - Knight - Former Species Human - Akame ga Kill
Ophis - Pawn - Former Species Dragon God - DxD
Great Red - Pawn - Former Species True Dragon - DxD
Hicate - Bishop - Former Species Crimson Lord - Shakugan no Shana
Eucliwood Hellscythe - Pawn - Former Species Necromancer - Kore wa Zombie Desu ka

along with those you already have and there is an OP Peerage
uscias chapter 2 . 6/5/2014
Please update soon.
NHarem Foreva chapter 2 . 5/14/2014
i like it :D
T-B-R chapter 2 . 4/13/2014
meh, just do a spinoff story if you want big red in or not.
LegionsEnd56 chapter 2 . 4/6/2014
Love this please update soon
dragonstomper chapter 2 . 4/5/2014
really good. I have a few Ideas on a character and will let you know when I have all the details on it.
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