Reviews for The art of trying
PsychoNinjaWolf chapter 52 . 3h
This was a great chapter. Starfire's reaction to the name thing was priceless. I never understood the Dick/Richard or the Bill/William thing either. I have two uncles with those names and we call them Willy and Richard. Ok well my husband calls Richard, Dick, but only because he's... well... a dick lol if his name was Bob he'd probably still call him Dick.

Anyway I love Alfred. I was a bit confused about who was in the Batsuit but knowing it was Alfred now makes total sense and Jason figuring out who Batman was just by glancing around the cave was awesome.

I was a bit excited to see you bring Joker back and the more I read the more I get the feeling you're about to step into the killing joke. I can not wait to see your take in that if that is indeed the direction you're taking.

I have a feeling Lofio Falls is about to get it's beauty tainted. Now I'm even more curious about how Beast Boy's mom came into possession of the necklace.

I have so much more that I loved about this chapter (and the story as a whole) but my brain is a chaotic mess that I can't seem to put into words. So, once again, I loved this chapter and keep up the amazing work you awesomely talented author you.

Oh and good job on the promotion and the cat. Cats are awesome.
D4rK Sid3 chapter 51 . 6/29
Fantastic welcoming chapter. Glad this story is back on its tracks. Cant wait for the next chapter.

dunadaness chapter 51 . 6/22
More fantastic action and adventure! I loved this chapter and both it's main strands. Jason is such a badass, Hush is just an ass and Ratcatcher's power is disgusting. Those are my main takeaways from this chapter. In terms of length I don't think it's too long or too short, I wouldn't worry too much about it; if the pacing is right and it definitely is here, then a chapter can be as long or short as needed and carry the reader along.

What a great ominous note to end on! Robin's right though, the Horsemen are not the giving up type and with Rouge around anything from flies to friends is suspect.
Doki-Doki-CS-Love chapter 51 . 6/16
It's taken me 3 whole days to read this mammoth, goliath, epic story.. Every spare waking moment I've been reading this. And when I got interrupted by RL, you'd be proud of my Raven-like death glare whenever shw gets interrupted (we all know THAT look).
It's Bravo to you though, for sticking to a storyline that's so intricate & so complex for so long, it really puts a lot of DC comics storylines to shame.
Thank you for creating such a marvel.
My fave parts were BB rescuing Raven in Nevermore, pretty much giving a word-by-word explanation of why they belong together "Ying & Yang baby!" (I had my own personal Booyah moment right there), the bonding BBRAE moment in the Lazarus Pit, the ControlFreak bits & the argument about slow vs fast zombies (nice touch there).
It's incredibly hard to keeping something like this for so long but still keep that balance.
I'm a tardy to this 6 years long epic party, but I'm I've come along. Keep at it, keep safe & I look forward to your next instalment of genius!
PsychoNinjaWolf chapter 51 . 6/12
Man I am always floored by how amazing you are at writing action scenes. It flows so well and it's so descriptive. I love it. So, just curious to know how difficult it was writing Hush's dialogue lol. I love it though when the dialogue is written in the same way I'd hear them speak it. It makes it easier to imagine.
I knew a Justice League member was gonna pop up sooner or later. Kinda glad it was Wonderwoman. She's one of my favorites. I was never into the Bruce/Diane thing though. I'm a big Bat/Cat fan but I wouldn't care either way if you were planning to pair Bruce up with anyone or not. I seriously doubt you could do anything to make me not like this story. You are that good of a writer. I can't help but say nice things about my favorite fanfiction :) I can't wait to see what you got planned next.
derekctomlinson chapter 51 . 6/12
beastboy hissing at robin go help starfire i can carry raven by myself
RPGPersona chapter 50 . 4/26
It has been a while. I am still here, kinda. I have fallen super beyond in pretty much every story I am follow.

I will admit I have forgotten exactly what is going on with Jason. I think he bought a gun with some of the money he was given. Just like how Batman is always busy, there is little rest for Bruce Wayne as well. He used this event as an excuse to enter the city, now is the time he has to keep up appearances. I wonder who Bruce contacted for help. Alfred would be my best guess.

Immortus is getting more nonsensical as thing whole thing goes on. Beast Boy caught up faster to Raven then I would have guessed originally. Unfortunately it looks like the team might be down two teammates with how things are going. I am also having a hard time telling how much of that speech came form Death and how much was from Raven.

So Jason did buy guns. With him already heading out for his revenge, the person Bruce called will have to be fast to get there before it is too late. The boss of the people Jason wanted to kill, its that guy, from the nightmare hospital. If my memory serves me. Well, that makes the situation more dire for Jason.

I can't tell if the rest of the team had good timing or bad timing with when they appeared. With Immortus having the horn, the team is at a big disadvantage. I was really worried about how the team would survive the horde when they hit a dead end. Smart of Beast Boy to make a plea that would also resonate with Death's objective and not just Raven's emotions.

It was even more effective then I thought if Raven has at least some control over herself again. thought that the two would be leaving with Imoorutus, now I am unsure what is going to happen next.
The Darkneon Flash chapter 50 . 4/22
Hey: first thing I'd like to say is welcome back. Seems like your life has been going well, and I hope you and your girlfriend are doing alright in these times.
Onto the story: I reread the whole thing before looking at your new chapter, and I'll be here for the next update. You're toying with my emotions, how could you use Raven's and Beast Boy's love against them?! What is General Immortus looking for in Ahnenerbe?! How crucial is Tamara Kenzoé to the prophecy?
This story has been (still is) a crazy ride.
PsychoNinjaWolf chapter 50 . 4/18
Yeeesss I can't believe the moment I drop off fanfiction for a while is when you update. I'm five days late because, funnily enough, I've been binge watching the walking dead. I can't seem to get enough Zombies in my life, too bad all of your's just died. . . again.

Man was that intense! I kept repeating to myself. No! He can't kill them off! Not now! Not yet! I knew it wasn't gonna happen, but I was still scared. That's some good writing.

I hate that we are all in some dire times but I'm so glad you're getting the time to write. I knew you would, it was only a matter of time. Writers block can be a real drag especially when you have an already busy lifestyle. But keep on keeping on and stay safe.
Darkfire117 chapter 50 . 4/14
I got an email from fan fiction that one of the stories I’m following has been updated low and behold this absolute gem of a story has received a new chapter. I’m still here my friend and I’m still enjoying your writing I’m going to go binge your story from start to current chapter again cause I need that nostalgia in my life again. Stay safe from the ‘Rona and keep it real :)
Anon87 chapter 50 . 4/13
Don't worry about disappointing people, we're all here to enjoy ourselves either reading or writing and you shouldn't feel that you're letting people down. I for one was so happy when I checked in and spotted that this had been updated :)

Those zombies are pretty scary and Raven being under the influence was equally terrifying, I'm glad the chapter ended the way it did and not on a cliffhanger.

Great to have you back!
PsychoNinjaWolf chapter 1 . 1/13
Duuuude, it's been like, over two years now. . . I miss you. Well, not you personally because I don't actually know you BUT I do miss this story and you're amazing writing. I do hope you are ok and that life is treating you well. I hope that's why you haven't been able update and not because of anything bad. Even if you're not writing for this story, I hope you still get to write something because you have a talent for it.

So, I just wanted to drop this incase you needed some motivation or something. Know that there is at least one person in the world who watches this story like a hawk waiting for the next chapter.

For anyone reading this to see if the story is worth the read; It is! Oh my goodness it's good from start to almost finish! I don't even care that it's not complete. It is worth the read. I'm actually about to reread it for the fifth time. . . I think? Not quite sure, I've lost count.
Anon 87 chapter 49 . 3/11/2019
Missing your writing enormously. Hope you're ok and are able to find time and write some more sometime.
Johnny Beast chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
It’s been a long time since I read this story and I barely remember anything. General Immortis (that’s his name right?) trying to start to the apocalypse and the Titans finding a guy in the woods hunting for the wendigo is all I can remember. I don’t want to reread the whole thing cause it’s so long!
Guest chapter 33 . 9/2/2018
I'm in love with Beast Boy and Raven's love.
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