Reviews for Secret Weapon
Amarylle chapter 7 . 4/15/2017
This was a rather strange interpretation of the characters.

I believe I understood the idea behind your thought process, but somehow the characters, and especially Harry seemed to lack warmth. He seemed to be cold and aloof, and I did not really feel the connection between Hermione and him.

I also wished that Hermione's connection to her wizarding family ties were explored, or explained a bit more, because it felt pointless to mention it to spark interest, and then just fall between the cracks.

Your writing format and style was lovely, nevertheless, you do have a talent. I hope you keep writing for a long time to come. :)
Sorceress of Magic chapter 7 . 8/27/2014
this story was not what i expected and a little all over the place but still cute
Jharry1960 chapter 7 . 7/17/2014
It was weird but I'm glad it ended on a happy note. I knew at least some of this was based on the movies but now it seems that all of it was based on the movies. Pretty good effort even though I didn't agree with the characterizations. You did what you could with the characters you created.
Jharry1960 chapter 5 . 7/16/2014
What's funny is that the people in the books who were extremely dense are perceptive here and those who were perceptive and emotionally in tune seem to be living in the autism spectrum. These people do not know how to talk about feelings at all.
Jharry1960 chapter 4 . 7/16/2014
I'll finish this because it does have some interesting aspects but your analysis of Harry, Hermione, and Ron are cherry picking at best. Your Harry and Hermione are extremely different from canon. I'm going to assume this is intentional because you have modified Harry's upbringing. I do love Hermione coming to the rescue and in the way she handled it. It is one thing that I believe Hermione and Ginny would have in common. Harry is so different from canon that I wouldn't see him being perfect for any woman. He's a fixer-upper at best. It does seem that he is becoming somewhat like canon Harry. Heading in that direction anyway.
Dagger-Seishin chapter 7 . 5/3/2014
Hmn that would actually work well for harry they could Find the info needed but also help people, like simon with his daughter being tan. It would appeal to both of them knowledge helping people and just a bit if action.
Vegasman59 chapter 7 . 3/18/2014
Well we are eagerly awaiting updates!
Byakugan789 chapter 2 . 2/26/2014
While i generally like H/Hr, you have the absolute strangest take on things I've ever read. I'm honestly having a hard time trying to decide whether i like it or simply find it absurd.
TrueBeliever831 chapter 7 . 1/1/2014
I'm not really a fan of Harry/Hermione... or Hermione in general.
But, I actually enjoyed this piece...
I also enjoyed the little side helping of Ron/Luna...
You kept the Characters very real and true and I think sometimes that can be hard - especially with some of the 'harder to write' crack pairings like Ron/Luna
I think this is the first Harry/Hermione piece I've actually sat down and read.
Great job and thanks for entering.
pfeil chapter 6 . 12/23/2013
Harry is a wizard. He can just cast a repair charm on the pot...
anotherboarduser chapter 7 . 12/4/2013
Thanks for writing this story.

I look forward to read more.
HarryHermioneEdwardBella chapter 5 . 11/26/2013
nice story so far
HarryHermioneEdwardBella chapter 4 . 11/26/2013
HarryHermioneEdwardBella chapter 3 . 11/26/2013
cool chapter
HarryHermioneEdwardBella chapter 2 . 11/26/2013
nice chapter
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