Reviews for Hate That I Love You
Guest chapter 10 . 12h
Can't believe you updated!
RoryxLoganxLOVE chapter 10 . 7/11
Totally by chance I came on here today, all I can say is I am so happy I did! Your story is my very favorite! Please keep going! I have imagined a million different senerios to how this would end! I need the real thing!
redbudrose chapter 10 . 7/7
Yay! So happy you updated! I love this story so much and I’m so grateful you updated the story. I can’t wait for the next chapter! Was it Caroline and Kol that were injured? I hope Klaus keeps trying to reconcile with Caroline.
Liz213Mast chapter 10 . 7/7
OMG, not a cliffhanger. This story is amazing, I love it. Plz update soon, I'm dying to know what happened.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/7
I want to leave another review for this chapter after re-reading it LOL.

I hope Klaus gets serious now about his relationship with Caroline. I think he’s blamed Caroline enough for their fallout to not take any responsibility for his actions. He’s been taking his own sweet time (which was okay until this moment in the story), but now he needs to act, and get his act together.

I read another review which said that Klaus didn’t stand up for Caroline or their relationship in the past when it mattered most, especially against his parents. I kinda agree with it. I don’t hate that part cause I know that something had to be going wrong for both of them to drift and then eventually separate. I guess that part was needed to show how their relationship deteriorated, but I think now it’s time both Klaroline, especially Klaus, to work towards resolving it. I really really hope that they’re able to do that and be in a better place.

I love this story and hope you complete it :)
Rae chapter 10 . 7/6
Omg what a cliffhanger! I have just reread this entire fic, it's really good. I hope they are both ok! And the baby of course! Can't wait to find out what happens next.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/6
just started and read all 9 chapters! would love to see this story go all the way to the end! has great bones. hope you continue.
flomasteris chapter 10 . 7/6
Reread all of it! Thank you so much for the update! It’s is 2am and I have to get up at 5:30 am but still - I REGRET NOTHING . Please update soon!
Drosselmeyer chapter 10 . 7/6
Guest chapter 10 . 7/6
I love Klaus’ confession. Please don’t bring in any 3rd parties to make the other jealous. I hope the Tatia/Tyler stuff at the beginning was it for this story.

Did Caroline/Kol have a car accident? I hope the baby is okay. I can’t imagine Klaus/Caroline’s relationship can make it through a miscarriage.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/6
I hate how unsupportive Klaus is of Caroline when it comes to his parents. And the fact that he let Esther talk bad about her when they were still married is inexcusable. Also, how Esther managed to wrestle control from Caroline to plan her own wedding is shocking. Sounds like another thing Klaus didn’t have Caroline’s back on. I’m finding it hard to believe those 5 wonderful years were really that wonderful.
McKenzieMac chapter 10 . 7/6
Your back! Can't wait to read more! Thanks for the update!
klavscaroline chapter 10 . 7/6
i had a feeling this was going to be good after reading the first paragraph of this story and you proved it! chapter after chapter of PERFECTION. there isn't a single character that i don't love in this story (maybe esther), and all the drama and family bonding.

OH AND THIS CLIFFHANGER! I hope Kol and Caroline are going to be okay and the baby too!
Kris A chapter 10 . 7/6
I realize this story is pretty old. I try not to read unfinished ones for that reason. I get caught up in it and it's never finished. I know writing a story must be time consuming and can't be easy. That's why I'm a reader and not a writer. Since you have recently updated, please continue. It's really good and I can't wait to see what happens next.
CrazyLazyAlien chapter 10 . 7/6
Heyyyy please don’t leave us hanging
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