Reviews for Zane's Life Journal
Noah Anderson chapter 1 . 11/17/2015
Um... well I have some criticisms. Before I get into that, let me start by saying I love the idea of a journal from the point of view from different characters in Uglies, So keep doing it. Here's how you can improve:
Show don't tell; instead of saying, "Today I met a girl named Tally Youngblood", start using dialogue or an action statement. For example, you could start by saying,
"Oh hi, do I know you?"
"No, you don't. Sorry, I just saw you and wanted to come say hi. My name's Tally by the way."
That was really bad, but it's just for example purposes.

Well keep writing these. Really love the idea, but everyone can improve. Hope my criticism helped,
rebecca jane xoxo chapter 2 . 5/26/2014
Hey i love the journal idea. I have read all four books and this made up of there not being a fifth. I think it a great story please right more dying to know more about the headaches xx