Reviews for Persona
annevic chapter 17 . 10/30/2019
I've thoroughly enjoyed this. I like how you kept to the mortal world and incorporated the supernatural elements; it makes it more believable. And this dynamic between Sebastian's desire to possess Ciel in every possible way and Ciel's inner struggle with his humanity is so good! And I love the inclusion of Undertaker (he is my personal fave.) This is the third story of yours that I've read and I have yet to be disappointed.
MoonlightWolf.SunshineFox chapter 17 . 2/12/2019
I don't know where should I start, honestly...

maybe from that part when u said "nOT a rOmAnTIc sTOrY"

after spending eternity hours, wandering and desperately want to know what the fuck is sebastian mean by 'owned' ciel, u finally give me the answer in chapter 10...
and that was hella catch me off guard becuz of what u said about "not a romantic story" in chapter 7
I'm not even expect what sebastian mean by "possess" would going that far like in the beginning of chapter 11 tho; ciel was fuckedand damn me for being a person that can easily forgot about some important moment. after reading all chapters,my memories went blurry and I believe there's must be a lot of damn plot twists in this story... and I've lost count of them

and I don't even know anymore which team I need to support now; sebastian or undertaker,Marie,Alois,and Alice?
like... for fucks sake,if I was ciel,I would rather forming a plan to search for the demon sword so I could stab myself and I'd die happy than forming a plan to break the contract

and as for sebastian,...
I'm sure by how he described 'love' in his own twisted way is similar to being a "Yandere",right?
ok that's it.. I want Google to add sebastian Michaelis name to Yandere list

and somehow,I understand what did ciel feel about 2 different horns on 1 goat stuff; love and hate...
it was like he hate and want sebastian to get the fuck away from him but deep,deep inside him doesn't want to be separated by sebastian becuz he is like the only 1 that keeps him "sane"

tho,I still don't know why do I feel a very familiar wave of hate just like when ciel got controlled by hannah and Claude when I saw ciel and Marie getting along
damn that season 2... painful and traumatic memories indeed

and I never thought the time where I'm glad with an author abandoned their fanfic is actually exist... and i feel that way for this 1...
I'm literally give up and went "to hell with the humanity,sebby can destroy him as much as he like so he can finally DIE HAPPY" when ciel decided to go with undertaker...

I'm not even sure anymore this is going to be a happy ending story anywayv
Severus divides into H chapter 17 . 7/15/2018
This is such an amazing story... you have provided a very detailed and realistic description of life after turning to demon - and I'm stunned at how accurate your perception of their personalities is. You took what existed in canon and twisted it, making it even more interesting and dark. I *love* Sebastian's possessiveness and his form of love for Ciel - so demon-like, but so overpowering and genuine, from what I think. Ciel is my beloved boy - I wish he and Sebastian figured everything out. Love your OCs, very bright and intriguing. I rarely found stories as good as this one, and I am so sad and frustrated that it is not completed. I understand you have probably abandoned it, but maybe you could at least share your draft ideas? Like, the ending you had in mind, the Undertaker's plan, the main intrigue? It would help so much to soothe the pain and emptiness.

Thank you for writing this piece and for your incredible talent.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/10/2017
Ah, what a cliffy
Guest chapter 12 . 4/10/2017
This is an amazing fic that goes deep into the descriptions and conflicting emotions of a boy learning and adapting to his life of this dark creature and I absolutely adore it. The characters you've created from Ciel and Sebastian are well rounded and their relationship is progressing quite nicely in my opinion. Sebastian is as mysterious and charming as ever and I love reading any scene he's a part of just because of the kind of thick tension those two produce.
Even your OCs (Marie!) for lack of better words have a bit more, character to them. I am nearing the end so I've taken the time to step back and take in this plot before I return to it but I do hope you can somehow manage to pick this fic up again because it really is interesting and fun to read. And I look forward to finding any more your work.
darksaphire chapter 17 . 9/27/2015
This gets more interesting every time I come back to it and see a new updated chapter :) love love love it. update soon!
promocat chapter 17 . 9/26/2015
the undertaker always knows more than others think(all others)but he seems to have a strange fondness for ciel (glad you are back!)
byenomore999999 chapter 17 . 9/26/2015
This is a wonderful chapter! I'm glad that you're still writing. It'll be interesting to find out more about Undertaker and his plans! Take your time and thank you so much for writing.!
ByMyName chapter 17 . 9/26/2015
Ahhh! I'm so glad you posted again!
brandyt725 chapter 17 . 9/26/2015
yay! thank you so much for the update. Cant wait for more.
Taeh chapter 16 . 8/3/2015
Undertaker please take Ciel with you.. Sebastian is possessive bastard! He doesn't care, he has Ciel whole in his power.
ByMyName chapter 16 . 12/28/2014
Please update soon! I love this story so much!
teaislife chapter 16 . 10/16/2014
This story is amazing I been following it for awhile now
promocat chapter 16 . 10/10/2014
this should be good with the undertaker here!-I love how you are bringing ciel closer & closer to what Sebastian wants-all of him!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/10/2014
I knew Undertaker would be back and I love you for it.
Another great chapter! Sorry in advance but I wanted to say how excited I was to see your updates and I love your stories. Aaand I'm gonna stop with that now *redirects message awkwardly*
Anyway I'm curious on what you plan for Ciel if he does lose control. But with undertaker now reentering the picture I can expect either some laughs or a serious conversation from him. I would love reading either one or both haha.
I can imagine how angry Sebastian would be after he sees that Undertaker is there. There is gonna be so much tension with how possessive he is with Ciel and I remember his warning about him in your earlier chapters. Ah! What is Undertaker planning now?!
Man..such a relationship between our handsome duo that I'm scared for Ciel. Will he be able to keep his last shred of humanity and make it through this...well I can hope.
Again great chapter! I love the way you build your characters and settings.
Tata for now wonderful.
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