Reviews for Questions
Pencil chapter 1 . 5/11
why is raphs name the only one that dosent end in -o? Really, leonard-o, michelangel-o, donatell-o. What the heck?
akaishiro123456789 chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
Grace :Raph,what if you found out you are actually leo twin sister:p or if you are actually the youngest?
Ps: You're my favourite raphh ᏊꈊᏊ
Karyse chapter 5 . 10/1/2017
LOL Raph and Mona sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G

"Blush" "Kiss"

Everyone: See you really love her!
Raph:You little-
Mona:I'll handle this...

2 minutes later

Mona:That was good!
Everyone else:"groan" Raph if you help we'll never tease you again!

1 hour later

Everyone:Raph and Mona sitting in a tree
Raph:I hate you! "Tackle's Mikey"
Karyse chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
Donnie, if April didn't exist who would you have a crush on?
moonlightanimator chapter 128 . 8/29/2017
Question For Donatello! :D Do You Have Some Kind Of Rage/Yandere Mood, Like You Wanted To Kill Someone So Badly? Like The Way You Did To Don Visionso In The Episode "Heart Of Evil". If You Did, You Might Wanted To Try And Test It On Your Brothers.I'm So Evil You Won't Have To Kill Them, Just Cover Yourself With A Fake Blood And Chase Them Aroun With A ChainsawBring A ChainsawSo You Might Have Your Revenge For What They Do To You. Wait, Forget It! I Make THAT As A Dare! Also, A Question For DonatelloYou Said That You Hated Being Sick, So You Might Have At Least Tried To Hide Your Illness Or Sickness Away From Your Brothers Right? So What Happened When Your Family Finds Out? :o Questions For Leo You Know That You Need To Accept The Role Of 'Fearless Leader', Right? So Are You Really Fearless Or What? Everyone Still Have Their Own Fear, And I Think Yours Was "Losing Your Family". Right? Facts To Everyone I Love You Guys So Much :D
You Guys Just Make My Day And Make Me Happy From My Depressed Day! You Guys Just Make Me Take A Break From My Entire Darkness! I Love You Guys, And Thank You For Making Me Smile All The TimeWhispered* Especially You, DonnieI Love You All! *Hugs Hugs
kiragrimawilliams06 chapter 17 . 8/19/2017
Fuck casey jones!
Guest 14 chapter 128 . 6/3/2017
Will you guys be my friends? I have close to no friends,because for some reason people don't like me. I'm usually the "weird" kid in the corner who everyone ignores. I just want more than a few people to like me!

Donnie,do you ever feel like no ones actually listening when you speak. I have that problem. I'll be talking to someone who actually likes me, and once I'm done they just say "Sure".
I found that it's because I am either talking too fast or using words that they don't understand.
P. 're my favorite,but I'm not a crazy fan girl. Seriously,get a life girls!
Arachnide chapter 123 . 4/1/2017
Raph if you think that the pairing raph x fishface is crazy then you surely haventt heard my friend. Do you know what she ships? You won believe it. She ships shreder x mikey. And has starde talking about maybe having someone write a fanfic where, listen what she came up with : the turtle are caught by shreder and there is no way out , they are going to die its inevitable. Mikey loving his brothers more than anything makes a deal with the shreder and he agrees. Theshreder lets mikeys brothers go but keeps him as was said in the deal. The deal was that the shreder could do whatever he wanted with him , even make him his (sexualy) and let his brothers go. Well the shreder rapes mikey. But afterward they start having feelings for each other. After some time mikeys brothers are able to 'save' him. But they dont understand that shreder and mikey are in love. That love softens shreders heart and he becames the man he was at some point in the past, oroku saki, master splinters best friend, the man that mikey saw and fell in love with. Anyway she is thinking of revealing their relationship in two diffrent ways. Either reveal it in a battle the turtles have where mikey saves shreder from death or vice versa and the brothers make the two lovers explain (having also called splinter, it WAS an emergency after all !). Or when mikeys brothers 'save' him , mikey is alredy preganant expecting shreders child. Sensei senses the life force of the baby ( its spirit , i mean , you know how master splinter sense things...) and demandan explanation wich is done outside of the lair ,on a supposed to be a (rare) topside training and his brothers (together with the shreder who was hiding somewhere there, who also didnt know about the baby because michelangelo was afraid of his raction but in reality he would love a child) hear the explanation and are shocked . Then the shreder comes out and they talk... And i dont reamember what happens next but my friends idea is kinda good.
Arachnide chapter 105 . 4/1/2017
Casey could you maybe tell us about your sister? I always wanted to know more about her she sounds like a good girl from the little things you have told at some point or another.

Casey what is your biggest dream? I mean what is it that you would like to achieve. Maybe a wish or something. We know so little about you and i would like to learn more about you. You Are one of my favorites after all, who could be as cool as Casey Jowns, exactly no one , no other human beeing could be as awesome as you. So dont listen to the people who say bad things about you because you are preaty badass in my opinion.
Arachnide chapter 84 . 4/1/2017
Oh My God! I think i am gonna die from laughter!
Arachnide chapter 72 . 4/1/2017
Loved it! I am also a fan of Doctor Who. And this reference was awesome! I am so fangirling right now!
Arachnide chapter 33 . 4/1/2017
Master Splinter how would you feel if Oroku Saki (the shreder) died? After all , you used to be good friends before he turned against you and darkness covered his mind making his heart as hard as stone. Because if i were to tell the truth...I...dont believe you would be happy about it. I think it still bothers you to be enemys with him. I can relate to having a friend turn their back on you and try to hurt you, and even if i know that they are not the same person any more but it still hurts when they do something that is supposed to hurt you and that awfull feeling of...not betrayal but...dissapointment may lessen with the time but it never truly goes away, does it?
Arachnide chapter 16 . 4/1/2017
All of the i made before are to be answere by the turtles. Sorry , i just forget to write that down sometimes ( or all the time)

Anyway. You are so greate! Love how you express their feelings. You hve the traits of a very good writer. And tis fanfic is awesome! Great ide by the way.
Arachnide chapter 13 . 4/1/2017
How do you feel when one of your brothers cry ( least everyones opinions, feelings and thoughts on everyone)? And would you feel if he was crying because of you?

How do you deal when one of you has a nightmare?

What are your most favourite memories from when you were little?

How would you react if you saw mikey entering the lair beaten up, crying and saying he was raped by rahzar?
Arachnide chapter 4 . 4/1/2017
Has any of you ever been raped?

What is your darkest secret, that you even kept from eachother?

How much have you lost, inthis war with your enemies?

Have you ever blamed master splinter for draging you in his vendeta with the shredder?

Would you die to save one another if nessecary?

What would you be willing to give up for each other?

All this questions are for the turtles.
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