Reviews for My Empire of Dirt
Golly gosh i wish i was dead chapter 1 . 8/3
One of the best sabriel stories I've read 33
J chapter 47 . 8/3
Virginie DE MIN chapter 50 . 6/21
Olala, tes histoires sont tellement belles. il y a tant d'émotions
Oliver chapter 47 . 8/15/2016
this was absolutely beautiful oh my god. some parts with sam really hit home, very realistic, thanks 3 also, the sex scene was perfect! not awkward like others i've read. And it wasn't just sad then happy straight away. this was great 3
Deleted Account 23456765432 chapter 9 . 5/1/2016
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why Gabriel is my absolute favourite character.
kyuuka yayoi chapter 50 . 4/19/2016
I really love this story of yours its well written the plot is awesome and I have been reading this nonstop since yesterday and now I'm off to read the sequel and its fair to say that this really helped me escape my mundane and practically B.S. life and I thank you for that. :-D

P.S. your story is beautiful...
writeitinsharpie chapter 47 . 7/31/2015
This story...I have no words. There's so many problems (how did you keep track of all of them?) The plot's amazing, and the chapter titles are season titles, right? And those last three paragraphs...
There aren't spelling or grammar errors, there aren't plot errors, there aren't characterization errors. Seriously, the only error in this masterpiece is that it's errorless. And that you haven't published it. Just change the names, and it's a book way better then (than?) Twilight :D
SassyDoe chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
I read this all in one night, this fic is amazing!
SassyDoe chapter 47 . 7/27/2015
(I'm on the end of chapter 47)
I love that you directly quote Chuck in the last 3 paragraphs
Rose0 chapter 50 . 12/7/2014
I'm definitely interested in a prequel for MEOD! But I really like your sabriel especially the hurt/comfort so my vote is for those two. Good luck with whatever you decide!
GoddangitCas chapter 50 . 12/2/2014
My vote is for a prequel! That sounds like a great idea!
krider13 chapter 50 . 12/1/2014
My votes for a prequel to Empire of Dirt. Sounds awesome.
Emptyinkbottle chapter 17 . 8/11/2014
So, I just started reading this, and holy shit (Pardon my language) THIS IS AWESOME AND HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP! This story should have like, two thousand adoring reviews.
I love it! I mean, the crap going on with Sam is sad, and Dean is frustrating me at the moment, but I love the story! Especially the fact that everyone is as close to Cannon Character as they can be for this fic.
And GABRIEL. Eep! I just, wow. Amazing.
So...Yeah. I'll go now, got more to read! :D
NZGirl24 chapter 49 . 6/2/2014
I LOVE this story, you are such an amazing writer, I was in tears with the suicide chapters
underthestars-nowheretorun chapter 43 . 5/4/2014
was the line from sherlock necessary my heart was already ripped to shreds
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