Reviews for A Whole New World
Sydney chapter 7 . 4/23
hi! i had read this fanfic back in middle school and never finished it so with quarantine i decided to read it all over again! i am actually a freshman in college now and considering switching my major to work in counseling! i am worried about all the negative energy the career involves, but you said you write to release it inspires me!
BROCC0LI chapter 4 . 3/17
I really wish I'd gone to a school like this. My high school didn't even HAVE a good counselor
thenobodycomplex chapter 39 . 1/7
Goddamn. It's been 2 years since I've seen this story and it's just as good as I remember.

Really, it was an absolute pleasure to read again.

I'd like to ask if i could ever work on a story with the same base concept but a lot of differences. I think I'd have to stop coming back to this for a while though, as I wouldn't want to repeat any of this in my own work. Just something I'd thought I'd ask. If not it's okay. Just let me know.

ohlooksheswriting chapter 1 . 8/2/2019
i've been looking everywhere for this story. i'm so happy i found it again *
Unposted Doodles chapter 39 . 4/29/2019
Okay so I don't know if you're still active here but I just wanted to tell you that this is a great story. I read it the first time when you were still writing it back in 2014. It used to always be open in my browser so I could check for updates. I still really love it, you did a great job.
ayoungwriter chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
Yoooooo i read this a couple of yeears ago and i spent over half an hour earlier just to find it again aaaaaa im so happy i found it ive always loved this fic
UnpostedDoodles chapter 2 . 3/7/2019
Oh no
Guest chapter 2 . 8/16/2018
This is my second time reading this and I’ve read the sequel. It’s so cute reading about how scared Rapunzel is of Jack and sitting here thinking ‘you’re gonna marry him’ great stories. Xx
HotSauceGamer chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
What happened with heather unfortunately happens a lot in these kinds of situations. I can’t express this enough: if you suspect that someone is being abused or hurt, you tell someone immediately. Don’t try to do anything yourself—you’ll most likely make the situation worse. Hiccup was in the RIGHT. He did nothing wrong. He knew the counselors were handling it, and didn’t probe her because he knew that’s not what you’re supposed to do. Kids need to come out about it in their own time, because a third party cannot report abuse. Given the fact that he didn’t see the extent, and didn’t have as much knowledge as Heather, he made all the right decisions.
Heather was amazing, and told someone.
But PLEASE, if you are ever in a situation like this TELL SOMEONE OF AUTHORITY. They know how to handle the situation and are trained for it.
HeyGirl chapter 25 . 12/28/2017
Poor Rapunzel, I hope things get better for her and Merida. At least Jack is there, he is SO nice! I really hope dating goes well for then. You are an awesome writer please write more stories for Jackunzel!

Wolfsrainrock3 chapter 39 . 12/11/2017
oopsDagar not day at
Wolfsrainrock3 chapter 39 . 12/11/2017
You have made an exciting story! I couldn't put it down when I should be studying for finals. I cried towards the abuse of the characters but they seemed so real with real problems you would find today. I hope you keep on writing your amazing stories. Also what ever happened to Day at?
Anon chapter 1 . 10/15/2017
The only things I don't like about this is that it's Jackunzel and Mericup. Those two pairings are overrated in my eyes. But aside from that, everything else is great! (Except for the obvious physical and emotional abuse towards Rapunzel, poor Punzie. ) Also, huzzah, yay for nerdy Hiccup!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/25/2017
This dog is the best dog. Excellent writing so far, thank you for sharing this story! Lol I should probably sleep but the story's just too good!
Princess Shoshana chapter 17 . 4/22/2017
I went to your page to look up the homecoming dresses and the first one I found was for the wedding... I'm so annoyed at myself for not realizing I might find a spoiler lol
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