Reviews for Wonderland
MandyO85 chapter 12 . 8/31
oh no it's been a long while since you updated. great story
vnss chapter 12 . 8/1
hello i know it's been almost 4 months since you last updated but i'm wondering if you will update this story again. you have a nice slow burn story here.i really loved the way you developed this two characters i wish you would come back! i hope you are also okay.. thanks for the chapters as well!
JC Tryon chapter 12 . 8/1
Voice from the future [6 years, 4 months to be exact]: is there any chance you might finish this interesting story?
wkathryn71 chapter 12 . 6/4
Nice but you could have kept going love it
canadianclaire chapter 12 . 12/3/2019
Wow - what an amazing story. I know its impossible to hope that you'll come back and add more, but a girl can dream ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your talent!
Anne Shirley Blythe chapter 12 . 5/4/2019
This story touched my heart. I hope you are well and will continue it again some day.
limtse1978 chapter 1 . 1/14/2019
Will this story be updated?
Georgina M chapter 13 . 1/7/2019
You’re an amazing writer! Please finish this story
Guest chapter 12 . 1/6/2019
I really hope you get to update this story someday.
Messy Bronze Hair chapter 12 . 1/6/2019
This is truly an amazing story. Very unique and different. But I loved it. So therefore I really hope that you will make a comeback and finish it. It’s just way to sad to leave a story this amazing unfinished.

Messy Bronze Hair
Guest chapter 12 . 12/24/2018
Great story... I hope you are well & enjoying the holidays of the end of 2018. I hope one day you are inspired to finish this story it is well done thus far. Take care.
Kaiana chapter 12 . 11/24/2018
I know it's been such a long time, but I do hope that you'll update your story again sometime. It's a beautiful story!
whitephoenix123 chapter 12 . 11/12/2018
is there any chance you will continue the story?
Avivar's chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
It brought me to tears...I can feel Ana's pain, and frustrations...but I can also see that she is finally breaking down her walls... and those of Christian. This story is heartbreakingly awesome. Loved it.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/25/2018
Wow! Great story! Can’t wait for more! Thank you!
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