Reviews for Love Always
Ruiniel chapter 8 . 7/3
It was lovely to see this take on Russingon. And I enjoyed Findire and Maitimo! I liked how upon Findekano's return and despite everything, their bond transcended time and space. Thank you for writing and sharing!
Quantumphysica chapter 8 . 11/17/2015
Such a beautiful epilogue. This totally makes up for the feeling of dissatisfaction last chapter; It made me happy, and fulfilled all my (not so) secret needs for Maitimo/Findekano fluff _
Quantumphysica chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
This story was a fabulous read from start to finish, and I loved it! The way you built the world and its traditions, the manner in which you described the Valar, how you described all the otherworldliness that went on at times… It was all wonderful. I'm sort of sad about the way it ended though. Things suddenly took a huge metaphysical turn, and then all of a sudden all the story that had been built up just… vanished! It had all been a dream caused by strange seasonal magic and a head injury, and Findekano didn't even get to remember it! Despite that it works out really well for your storyline, it left me with a bit of an aftertaste of dissatisfaction, in a way. I think it's mostly that he didn't remember that had me disappointed. It's almost as if the whole adventure that you got us readers invested in (which you did expertly, for that matter) quite suddenly amounted to nothing. And of course, peace of mind is nice and all, but I was secretly hoping for more Russingon _
Anyway, enough with the complaining! This was a brilliant story, heartwarming some moments, unsettling on others, a true testament to your skill as a writer. I hope you don't think my slight criticism (which is only personal opinion after all) means I didn't love this tale. Because I did. A lot. 3
sullhach chapter 5 . 9/13/2015
Now this was, puh, unexpected? No, not really, but heavy stuff.
But, yes, I like the idea of Elves and men having their own power, and of the Valar not being the ultimate goodies.
I always agreed with Ulmo's opinion, to leave the elves where they belong, and help them there.
Melkor/ Morgoth should be the Valar's concern, he is one of them.
Have you ever considered the idea of men not fouled by Morgoth, implied by Adanel's tale?
This was the idea I used to compose a tale, where one tribe of men still had Eru's original gift, to CHOOSE the time to leave the circles of the world!
And, yes, if Fingolfin can confront Melkor ( who is said to be the mightiest of the Valar), why not confront Manwe (who always send his eagles a little bit late...).
DeLacus chapter 5 . 8/14/2014
This is really interesting and well-written! :D
Elrond's Scribe chapter 4 . 11/24/2013
Whew! This just gets deeper and deeper! Still loving the madness!
Quantumphysica chapter 1 . 11/19/2013
Realized I wasn't following this story on here... And went to remedy that ;)
Elrond's Scribe chapter 3 . 11/10/2013
Oh my! More drama indeed! Tch, tch, tch! Well now, if things aren't getting even more complicated!

Turukano a good builder, huh? Guess Gondolin really does get the best.

"The chair does not deserve your anger." Poor chair! *Dies laughing*

And folks thinking that Findire has to rediscover who she is because of the attack! O man, if they only had an inkling. . .
Elrond's Scribe chapter 2 . 11/6/2013
Oo wow! Menstrual periods and cramps! Falling in love with Maitimo! You are so naughty, and I love it!

And I didn't miss the bit with Nolo/Anaire either.

Interesting how close the whole family is, or am I missing the whole Feanaro/Nolofinwe conflict?
Elrond's Scribe chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Whoo! Is it hot in here or is it just me? *fanning like a madwoman*

Poor stupid Findekano! But this is just HILARIOUS! This could make romantic stuff rather complicated. *I'm telling you, it's HOT in here!* I cannot WAIT for an update.