Reviews for Twisted
Hazelheart chapter 29 . 10/24/2019
I'm starting to hate you, you're making such an innocent can with wonderful potential into a cold blooded murderer and you're braking my heart, but it's your fanfiction, so it's your choice what happens, I'm just telling you what I think.
Hazelstar chapter 2 . 10/24/2019
She should become a Medicine cat
cool i dont care chapter 3 . 7/25/2019
omg this is so sad. nice story so far! you have a gift to write. i hope you become an author someday because this is a work of art! you should look into this more because i am so stunned from this work. keep writing and don't let it go if it's truly what you want because I KNOW you can do it 33
Dragonemperess chapter 31 . 7/16/2019
Well worded, and I look forward to the rewrite.
Frost chapter 13 . 7/4/2019
Lol! I have a oc named Twist, and she has a twisted paw too.
Birdsong chapter 7 . 7/4/2019
WHaT?! That little, stupid, sorry excuse for a cat—
motherdrukker chapter 31 . 7/6/2019
I'm so happy you've decided to pick this story to again! But don't please don't feel bad! Fanfiction writers such as yourself write amazing stories like this one for FREE and ask nothing in return. You don't owe us anything!
I'm also kind of in the same boat as you. I stopped reading warrior cats after The Last Hope came out because I thought they were done. When I found out the Erins had made more I had already lost interest and decided I was behind and didn't want to catch up. Now I'm 19 and bored in the summer and decided to pick these books up again and my passion had been rekindled, just like yours! I can't wait to see what you have for us and I'll see you on AO3!
The-100th-Llama chapter 31 . 7/6/2019
I’m really excited to hear that you’re going to be rewriting Twisted! I loved this story when it came out. I’ve moved away from Warriors too, but I always like to read fanfics once in a while. I’ve moved to Ao3 too, so I’ll definitely check out Twisted there. Take your time with rewriting, if you need it. I believe in you!
Crickett5 chapter 31 . 7/6/2019
Hey best of luck. I was like 14 I think when I found this story. I’m 20 now. We all grow and change and I hope you find the same joy in writing Twisted that you used to. Cloud and Boulder no longer exist to me anymore, at least Boulder definitely doesn’t. Cloud changed into a cat girl (yikes) and her name has changed to Minerva and she happily resides in a fantasy world where she can channel the power of demons. She was one of my first OC’s and I’m proud to say that she has stayed. She’s lost the cat ears though.
Anyways, I’ll be sure to read Twisted on A03 where my user name is the exact same lol. See you there
Twistedheart chapter 30 . 1/20/2019
Um. If you do continue this story can you make a chapter that focuses on starclan point of view and deadfoots reaction. Thanks!
NovaSpritWolf chapter 30 . 5/1/2018
Oh. My. God. I couldn't LIVE without this book. It is SO good, and was one of the first books I read that inspired my dream to write stories of my own. Please continue it, I don't know WHAT I would do if you didn't! This book is so great, and I love it.

Sphinxstar chapter 30 . 4/29/2018
Continue from where you r pleaz
I just read it and it is awesome!
for Twist
FaeGhostReader chapter 30 . 11/5/2017
Please continue with this. This fanfiction has an absolutely compelling storyline. It is very well written and is a story that I would love to see completed.
Ashheart15 chapter 30 . 9/23/2017
I followed this story way back when, when i used to publish on here quite alot. I thoroughly enjoyed your work. I beieve if you wanted to redo it then why not. Expand. show how you have grown as an author. I also wrote fanfics when I was younger that I wish i could change now. So i Understand.
S1L3NTK1LL3RJAY chapter 30 . 9/14/2017
I'm a new reader, and despite the rocky beginning I stuck to it and read. I loved where the story went, and I'd love to see it completed before being rewritten.

I love this so much lol.
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