Reviews for The Houses Trilogy
AnayristheDragon25 chapter 10 . 7/23/2014
is LC trolling the house of war? XD
Capt.Puppen chapter 8 . 11/11/2013
Okay, please don't do a if I don't get number x reviews than I'll _ . Fanfics, in my humble opinion are meant to be fun for both writer and reader. It's fine to ask for help or a opinion on fanfic. But, the author should continue a fanfic because they like/ love or enjoy writing their fanfics.
Why do I have the feeling We're going to have a Alpha Girl vs Lin Chung argument showdown as to why they did what they did .
Capt.Puppen chapter 3 . 10/30/2013
Alright, Do your best from memory. This is starting to get interesting .
Capt.Puppen chapter 2 . 10/29/2013
Yes, the characters are in character and there is a few spelling mistakes. Although, I don't think No Hands would be here considering he hasn't been on a mission ever since Lin Chung became squad captain. Oh, Well, perhaps this takes place mid 2nd season.
Also, its looks like as of the Third Squad episode ends it looks like both of the squads are working together well.
And by the way, There are some Hero 108 episodes up on Youtube .
Capt.Puppen chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
Okay, I like how you use Kowloon. I don't think 2nd Squad is used that often in fanfics. Which is a shame. Don't forget about all the members of 2nd squad and their characteristics and 't be afraid to use headcanons about 2nd squad if you have any. Their pasts are not explored. Also, I like the Jumpy Ghostface moment at the end. Also, expand on the Panthers . Lastly, keep up the fanfic.