Reviews for Begin the End chapter 6 . 8/13
I loved every moment of this! Beautiful story :3
Tuesday'sHere chapter 6 . 11/5/2018
Squueee! I love it! A sweet kiss at the end of all that worry and anxiety, ahh just lovely! Honestly this makes alot of sense, I mean he did get struck by lightening and held it in his body for a while there is going to be damage and healing involved. Just to have some bonding time for them was grand, not to mention I seem to have a thing for my boys getting hurt and then working on healing them lol. A lovely story and thank you for writing it and sharing it!
FadedGloryyyChief Sosa chapter 6 . 11/3/2018
You are a very talented writer, I’m so glad that this wasn’t so forced.
StrawberryKris chapter 6 . 4/7/2018
I adore this work of art, and completely agree with your headcanons!
axel100 chapter 2 . 3/22/2018
Actually healing Zuko under Ba Sing Se could have made a lot of difference. It conceivably could have been enough for him to side wiyh the Gaang against Azula. Could Azula have gotten off a shot at Aang while defending against Zuko? Its an interesting possibility.
Zebra Blu chapter 6 . 11/22/2017
very very nice
thelittlepandagirl chapter 6 . 5/27/2017
Ahhh the Avatar ending I've always wanted. 3
lucel18 chapter 6 . 11/11/2016
This is beautiful. Thank you for writing it!
emletish chapter 6 . 8/5/2016
*content sigh* that was beautiful. I loved it!
emletish chapter 5 . 8/5/2016
Aww this makes my heart smile. Sokka is a genius and zuko's awake. Delightful!
emletish chapter 4 . 8/5/2016
Aaaawww what are you doing to my emotions! This is such a great chapter. Love stories and Iroh's advice and tea!
Iroh ships it!
I loved Katara and Iroh's chat. I liked Katara not realising the effect she had on the boy, how much she helped him grow.
But your gutting me with the end!
emletish chapter 3 . 8/5/2016
Gosh this is such a brilliant character study of Katara and her thoughts, feelings and actions. Her dissappoint, anger and apprehension after learning Aang's decision and Ozai's fate was just perfect. She's so pissed off. She knows that while it was better for aang spiritually - it was an injustice ( to Zuko, to all those who suffered and died because of Ozai).
The she was just one girl facing down her mother's murderer- not with the fate of the entire world riding on her choice was just 2000% accurate and spot on.
What is aldo tragicslly spot on is that she still surpresses her feelings of rage so she can be 'gentle' with Aang. Aang really needed somebody to call him out, but Katara just can't. She never could be honest with Aang about her needs.
This chapter is also wonderful!
Well done!
emletish chapter 2 . 8/5/2016
Awww man this is getting good! Love it to pieces. Katara's thoughts on the palace were interesting and her reflection on past events, altered now she knows Zuko better were a delight to read. Hehehe snooping Katara-never change! Her sleeping next to him and her feelings of rightness were a lovely touch.
Awww the gaang are here.
Don't cry Katara, when you cry - I cry!
emletish chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
This is a great start. Super tense and dramatic and so true to Katara. The emotions in this one, her determination and the way she fights off her feelings of helplessness were very in character. You show how much she cares for Zuko in everything she does. Love it!
Kina Kalamari chapter 6 . 7/27/2016
This was wonderful in so many ways that I'm not going to try to list them. I loved it, from beginning to end. :)
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