Reviews for Digimon Adventure: The Ninth Child
Marsmiko chapter 45 . 7/27/2018
When will you start digimon tri series with kagome as well as the movies
IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 45 . 3/20/2017
yay! Taichi and Sora!
Tazz chapter 45 . 9/2/2016
I LOVE THIS STORY! From beginning to the end. Thank you for being one the awesome authors to actually finish a digimon crossover sorry! You should totally do one with the revenge of diaboromon concept.
Battlesny chapter 3 . 7/11/2015
wasn't Kari's digivice supposed to be under the bed Kudamon was hiding under?
Fairy Flame Key chapter 45 . 2/27/2015
I loved the story, you're a great writer! ;D
GirlFish chapter 45 . 11/2/2014
You did really well on this! There were miner errors here and there. Other than that, this thing had my attention for quite some time.

After the Frontier story, will you do Tamers and Data Squad? I'm sure it would be appriceated by several individuals...pen-name owners as well as those without.
Kimichiii chapter 44 . 8/1/2014
Before I make a bunch of excuses as to why I haven't read and reviewed the last two chapters, I just wanna say this: yay, I'm the 200th reviewer! I feel so special now :3

Now I'll give you my excuses even though I know you don't care for them. Alright, my first excuse is that I'm been pretty busy these past months with life. I kept putting the reading on hold until I got everything settled and by the time I was done, I completely forgot about it and only now remembered. Next: I also had to work on my stories, plus there's a story that I'm working together with with two other people and we've been planning and working on it like crazy (and I love how it's coming along so far) :3 And then my last excuse: my laptop broke thanks to a friend of mine dropping it (though I've long since forgiven her) and it's STILL getting fixed. I've been having to use my brother's laptop, which he isn't too happy about because it is his and he likes using it :P

Now onto the actual review! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh *takes a deep breath* oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh they kissed! Matt and Kagome kissed! Kyaaaaaa! I'm so happy! I'm like, "Finally, took you guys long enough!" You have no idea how happy I am right now. I've been squealing in my seat for over ten minutes now since reading this and my brother is just staring at me, with that 'you've-gone-insane' look :'3 What, I'm happy! Let me be a totally crazed fangirl for this one time! Oh gosh I would review about everything else that happened in the chapter but I'm still stuck on the whole Matt and Kagome are finally together and they even kissed at the end of the chapter! I think I'll just go to the next chapter before I overwhelm you with a lot of 'Oh my gosh's :P
Tanoshii Shurui chapter 45 . 6/10/2014
AWWWWW. So sweet and amazing and I am in love and I never want it to end. I really love this story and I don't want to see it end but I can't wait to read more of yours. I'm ecidingly glad(might have spelled that wrong) that Kagome and Matt finally got together. So in love. I am really glad everyone else found the one they loved to. I feel like I have to say I am sorry for not reading and helping support for so long. I feel like a disappointment if that makes since. Please make new stories soon. Can't wait to read every single one of them. You are one of the best authors EVER, and also one of my favorites.
Guest chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
Wahhh it's finally over I don't want it to be over such a great story I followed it all the way intill the end and loved it I can't wait for you to start updating your other one
Vertigo Venom chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
Wow this was a really great story! To bad its over I wanted it to keep going but it did have a great ending that I really enjoyed. Matt & Kagome were the perfect pair & I'm glad it worked out for them in the end. I will probably end up reading this again very soon because it was so entertaining. I look forward to reading more stories from you in the future. Keep up the great work! -V.V.
Guest chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
Waahh! I can't believe it's over. xD I wanted to cry so much. This story was amazing and I loved every chapter of it. At least we all still get to look forward to your Frontier/Inuyasha crossover. You're an amazing writer and you really know how get my heartstrings going. 'sniff'
Nonrial chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
Aww i can't believe its over Dx im really glad you wrote this story and i always looked forward to you updating. Sorry that i havent written any reviews except this one but i hope you keep writing and i look forward to reading more of your stories. :))
ultima-owner chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
beautiful end
RHatch89 chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
good finale :)
Bishonen'sFoxyMiko chapter 45 . 6/5/2014
Wow, within 9 months, it's now complete XD And what and epilogue, I absolutely loved Kagome and Matt's kids XD And Masquerade is still a mystery to the world XDD And I LOVED Matt's look with the long hair XD LOL and I can just see BlackAgumon and Agumon acting as each other's mirror images XDD Adorable and funny XD

Again, such an awesome read and I just loved it all . This just completely won my heart and I was dead honest about never getting tired of this when I need my fix of Matt/Kagome XD

Keep up the awesome work and never give up .
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