Reviews for Let me be your hero
bigboss1212 chapter 62 . 4/23
Beautiful story one of the most beautiful stories I’ve read
bigboss1212 chapter 55 . 4/17
Omg I thought she was dead but thank goodness she not
bigboss1212 chapter 18 . 4/10
This has been a lighthearted chapter
Clau Calcetin chapter 27 . 4/1
Oh, My Good! What an amazing kiss! I read it so many times, over and over! Such a wonderful tender description!
Heather Bradley chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
2019 and I still love this fanfic! I can't begin to count how my times I have read this over the years. Thank you so much for this and all your master pieces.
Glasses Wearing Nerd chapter 4 . 11/7/2019
The cop in this chapter though
One Lonely Marauder chapter 55 . 8/25/2019
Man, you made me laugh at that last part of your author's note, and then cry a little. The friend I'd WANT to do that too... well she's not talking to me at the moment so I'll probably never get the chance. Anywho, I'm so glad she lived, and Phillip? Too cute...
One Lonely Marauder chapter 50 . 8/25/2019
I had to review before I even finished the chapter. I laughed so hard at the Catholic Priest joke I had to step away from my computer and go get my inhaler.

Jesus that was too fucking funny.
JayDogg187 chapter 62 . 4/1/2019
This review covers the entire story.

I categorically and unequivocally declare this to be my favourite fanfic ever. The opening chapters moved me to tears as Helga's trauma actually haunted my dreams (I'm not lying). Then, your portrayal of her burgeoning relationship with Arnold was equal to any work of romantic fiction.

This story runs the full gamut of emotion, from the crushing lows to the majestic highs as a young woman reclaims what was lost and a young man comes to terms with the depth of his feelings. All told in a flowing, organic manner that had me wanting to read "just one more chapter", no matter how early in the morning.

Thank you for this emotional rollercoaster; the ride was enjoyable.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/8/2018
This fic is fucking sick.
SaltyMama1315 chapter 8 . 9/14/2018
Not to criticize, but if the hospital staff knew Helga was raped, why wasn’t she given the Morning After pill or Plan B? That’s standard procedure in almost every hospital for rape victims
DeepVoice'06 chapter 62 . 7/22/2018
Beautiful story :-)
Milkyrosebud chapter 12 . 7/2/2018
Awww This is my favorite part, the awkward and romantic part. The part where Helga's giggle makes Arnold's heart beat.
ForeverRogue chapter 62 . 6/14/2018
I'm so sad to have finished this, one of my favorite fics ever! I feel like I've been on an emotional roller coaster lol. I'll have to check out your other fics!
ForeverRogue chapter 14 . 6/12/2018
Just started reading yesterday and it's really good! Had to comment on the reference to Oliver and Company, love that movie and the songs!
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